2.0 - Drunken Confessions of Jealous Hearts - Rohirat

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The sun streamed through the soft, cream color fabric of the valance curtains, which hung gracefully from the curtain rod. As Rohit was sleeping, a beam of sunlight, pierced through the tiny gap between the valance curtains and the window frame. Its golden rays danced across the room casting a warm glow on the hotel room. The gentle caress of the morning light gradually intensified, creeping across Rohit's face until it finally found its mark, settling upon his closed eyelids. With a reflexive twitch, Rohit stirred, his brow furrowing in protest as the unwelcome brightness invaded his peaceful slumber. A soft groan escaped his slightly parted lips, as he shifted uncomfortably, trying to escape the intrusion of the morning sun. Rohit instinctively stirred towards the inner edge of the bed in search of refuge, in his sleep and suddenly he hit a hard surface, which was surprisingly warm. For a moment in his half-sleepy state, he snuggled closer to it and found comfort in its unexpected warmth, his mind registering it as a familiar presence in his drowsy state. Yet, as consciousness began to assert its dominance, a realization dawned upon him with sudden clarity, since when did his pillow become this hard and start smelling like Sandalwood? With a sudden jolt of realization, Rohit's eyes shot open, his drowsiness dissipating in an instant as he registered the unfamiliar sensation beneath him.

Blinking against the morning light, he turned his gaze to his other side, only to find himself met with a sight that sent his heart racing and blush to tint his cheeks a delicate shade of pink. Cradled in his arms was not a pillow as he had initially assumed, but Virat. A wave of memories from the previous night came rushing back to him, breaking through the barriers of sleep-induced haze with startling clarity. The drunken confessions, the unexpected intimacy, and the daring boldness of Virat's actions replayed in his mind like a vivid movie reel, each moment etched with a profound intensity that left him breathless. He couldn't help but feel a surge of heat rise to his cheeks, as he recalled the sensation of Virat's lips against his neck, the warmth of his embrace, and the whispered declarations that had stirred something deep within him.

Rohit slowly unraveled himself from Virat's embrace, his movements slow and deliberate so as not to disturb the other man's sleep. The warmth of his body and the sandalwood scent clung to Rohit's senses, making it hard to break the embrace. However, as he quietly slipped out of bed, Rohit made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. As he stared at his reflection in the mirror, he found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the reflection looking back at him. Rohit couldn't help but notice the slight disarray of his appearance, evidence of a night spent tangled in drunken confessions and unexpected intimacy. His dark brown hair was tousled in a way that hinted at more than just sleep, his cheeks still tinted with a rosy hue, and his eyes held a glint of both excitement and uncertainty. His gaze drifted down to his neck, and his fingertips brushed against his neck, tracing the path where Virat's lips had left their mark. His heart skipped a beat as he noticed the faint, reddish-purple hickey adorning his skin, evidence of Virat's boldness.

With a  sigh, Rohit tried to collect his thoughts as he splashed cold water on his face, the sensation jolting him back to reality. The water droplets trickled down his face, cooling the heat of his cheeks and helping to clear his mind, allowing him a moment to process the events of the previous night. As he dried his face with the white fluffy towel, he couldn't shake off the mixture of emotions swirling inside him. His heart pounded with a strange mix of excitement and anxiety, his mind racing with questions and uncertainties. What did last night mean? Was it merely a drunken confession or something more? And what about Virat? Did he regret his actions? With all these questions swirling in his mind, Rohit stepped out of the bathroom fully dressed in a comfortable purple hoodie and a black shorts. Deciding to call the room service. He reached for the black hotel phone on the brown bedside table and dialed the number for the front desk. 

"Good morning," came the cheerful voice of the hotel receptionist. 

"Good morning," Rohit replied. 

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