Chapter 16

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A person was riding in a carriage run by one horse, traveling in every town and city. The carriage was full of letters and invitations. As time passed, it reached the town of Logtuma. The man knocked on the door of a huge building and waited for anyone to respond. Suddenly, the doorknob sounded and twisted.
     “Yes?!” The woman said.
     “Good day madam, is this the Harrison's house?”
     “You're in the right place,” interrupted the madam. “If there's something you have to give, pass it now.”
     “My apologies madam,” said the man, bowing his head, and gave the envelope to her. The man instantly leaves after that. Mrs. Harrison shut the door and went inside to their living area. The envelope has a candle seal, with her polished nails she opened it, pulling the folded paper out of it.
     While she was reading the letter with a leg across the other, Mr. Harrison came. “What is that?” asked Mr. Harrison.
     “It says we are invited to a grand party night at the city of Kayna.”
     “Oh really?”
     “Mmhm— I should pick a dress to wear right now! I need to look— elegant for that ball!” said the madam, with her wide smile of excitement.
     As she leaves, Sanya gets into Mr. Harrison's mind, thinking what could it be if she is with him for that night?

The sun was high, but the clouds were starting to get thick and dark again. Cold breeze blowing in this wide fields of plains, this part has big rocks. They were relieved that time, for two horses were added for their journey, while traveling Sanya at the back accidentally bit her tongue.
     “Are you okay?” asked Ben who is riding on the new horse.
     “Yeah, I just bit my tongue.”
     “I think someone is thinking of you,” sounded Jake.
     “Who that might be?” joked Kendrick.
     “What? Why did you bring that up?” asked Sanya.
     “That's what they said, if you accidentally bite your tongue, it might be someone is talking or thinking about you.”
     “Another nonsense from Jake,” murmured Hope to Lynn. Jake suddenly stopped smiling, crossing his left arm in front to the other, seeing how Hope whispered to Lynn, thinking she might be talking about him again.
     “He also wants me to stop from whistling that night we're searching for our horses— afraid of maybe something will follow us back,” whispered Lynn to Hope, pulling a laugh after.  
     Unexpectedly, as Sanya looked at the back, she pictured a glimpse of someone. Or something? She screeched after, and everyone was astonished and pulled stop to look at her.
     “What is it?” worried Ben.
     “There- there's something behind that rock! I swear! I saw it,” explained Sanya, almost crying for what she saw. Jake and Luke jumped down their horse and slowly approached the rock Sanya was pointing.
     “Can you explain what you saw?” asked Hope.
     “It-it was like— it's short, I can't explain it but it has legs!”
     Luke charges his crossbow in case it is something dangerous. As they were moving toward it, the thing peeked its head quickly. Luke pulled his back, stunned by what he saw, he looked at Jake and whispered and asked for a sack. Jake was confused but agreed anyway.
     “What is it!?” shouted Hope. Luke turns, putting his finger at the front of his lips, asking Hope to be quiet, a shush comes out from his mouth. “Did he seriously just shush me?”
     Jake walked by with a sack. She got down off their horse to take a look. Luke asked Jake to go to the opposite side and open the sack, getting ready to catch what was hiding behind the rock.
     He then counted, and signals Jake to go fast, cornering the thing.
     Hope was walking toward them and was stopped with confusion as she heard a short scream.
     “Are you really not going to tell us what is it? ‘coz I literally heard that—and I am sure that neither of you screams like that.”
     She stopped as Luke and Jake moved forward holding a moving sack.
     “I need a hand— it's so heavy,” groaned Luke. Ben then moves forward to help them.
     “What the hell is this thing?” Everyone got down surrounding the sack to witness.
     “As we opened it, don't let this thing try to run,” said Luke.
     They opened the sack slowly, followed by Kendrick grabbing it inside and pulling it out.
     “Get off me! Ack! I'm choking!” a small, pressed voice was heard from a small humanoid-like creature, with a little hair at his head, and a torn cloth to cover his skinny body. Everyone was stunned, the first time seeing this knee-level height creature. He was covered with dirt.
     “What are you and why are stalking us?” asked Percy.
     “I'll tell you if you stop holding me on my neck!” They bring the creature to the rock and make him sit.
     “You smell like dirt,” Jake said.
     “Will you tell us now?” said Sanya. “What creature are you?”
     “I'm a Lupa,” said the creature, breathing heavily and smiling. “I've been following you for a — long time now.”
     “Why are you following us? ” asked Hope.
     “I've been following you since—” the Lupa started to look at them one by one trying to find someone. “Her!” he shouted pointing at Lynn.
     “Me? Wa-what are you talking about? I didn't do anything!”
     “I'm sorry! I was attracted by the whistling! I can't help it.”
     “Whistling?” asked Lynn.
     “That night you're finding your horse,” said the Lupa smiling. “At first I decided to leave but, you guys seemed— interesting.”
     “I can't believe I'm seeing a Lupa right now,” Jake said. After that, the Lupa’s eyes widen.
     “WAAH!! Wa-what is that?! Why do you have that?!”
     “You know anything about this?” wondered Ben.
     “Of course! I have one of-of—”
     “Of what?!” Ben asked.
     “Of the object!”
     “Wait, what? Where is it?” Hope said.
     “I found it north at a mountain. Until some people took it away from me, they-they are southern people their job is hunting those objects.”
     “We are not the only ones searching,” said Kendrick. “Man, I think we have to move.”
     “Come’n, it's going to get dark sooner or later. And you, you're coming with us,” said Luke grabbing the Lupa to his horse.
     “Why are you taking him with us?”
     “He knows what it looks like Hope, and recognizes who took it. He's a big help.”
     “Yeah, but can I please have my hat back?”
     “You have a hat?” asked Hope to the Lupa.
     “Yes!! And I accidentally drop it behind that rock!”
     “Hope, can you fetch it so we can leave immediately.”
     “Fine!— and that Lupa, have some anger issue,” whispered Hope to Luke as she left.
     “What did she say?”
     “Quiet lupa.”
      Hope found its red-pointy hat behind the rock where he pointed.

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