Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 – The Stagecraft at the Fundraiser Event

Later that evening, Adela got on her bullet-proof SUV with Sebastian driving in front. There was another car with security pulling behind. She disfavored this life. She imagined how the ordinary people have lives that very few people are concerned for. She, on the other hand, had to show appearance in the dinner just to elevate her status and to moan her father. She had a security team who would not even care once they are ceased to payment.

The car came to a halt right in front of the entrance. She got out and glanced at the red carpet. She had never come to a charity dinner alone all by herself. She would usually come with her father. Now, she was the spotlight. The headline. The paparazzi and the reporters lined behind the barriers and shot questions in all directions. She knew what to do. She had been given the training of handling them since childhood. She simply dodged and ignored. She smiled at the cameras until she found the question she had been looking for.

"What do you think of the event?" was the only question fired at her, which was not a personal one.

She turned to face the reporter and smiled enthusiastically.

"It is very kind of the-" she broke off.

It was the Ortega family. This meant Thea was to be there. This also meant Margaret would be there too. Without replying any further, she made her way to the gates.

The hall was delicately designed. In the distant, she spotted something which nearly got her on her knees. It was a gigantic portrait of her father.

"What do you think, best friend mine," Thea smiled beside her.

"What do you mean by this?" Adela frowned.

"The Montego family didn't seem very sorrowful of the head of their family. Of course, the Ortega family had to remind them of it," Thea said, pleased with herself.

"You opened a charity on the name of my father?" Adela inquired.

"Oh yes. Have you not seen the name."

Thea gestured to the wall. Large, bulging golden letters shone on it. 'The Mourning of Edward Montego".

"You opened an entire charity organization for my father?" Adela demanded.

"It's just part of the plan," Thea said.

"What plan?"

"To earn some money, obviously. I lost my source of income," gazing at Adela with raised eyebrows.

"Oh please, don't be ridiculous," Adela gratingly.

Thea smirked and drank her glass of wine.

Adela felt like slapping her at this point, but her conscience got the better of her.

She roamed around and at least twenty people came to mourn to her. She attended all of them and then excused herself to the bathroom. How could Thea do this. A tear came down her face. She leaned on the sink with her hands and took deep-breaths. As she got out, the auction had started. She sat in her reserved place in the front row. After around three items, she felt disgusted of the money going to Thea. As she was almost about to get up, an object caught her attention. It was Noodle's ruff.

"You did not have to go these lengths," Adela hissed at Thea but she merely grinned.

"This, is the ruff of the rarest feathers of the Caribbean birds," the man on the stage announced. "Starting price, five million."

A woman whom Adela had met earlier spoke. "Seven million."

Adela had to get it back. Thea stole her property and was now making her buy it.

"Eight million," Adela stated.

"Nine million," the woman replied.

"Ten," Adela kept going.

"Twelve," the woman said. She did not look determined to give up.

"Twelve once. Twelve twice-" the man said.

"Twenty million dollars." Adela spoke.

There were several whispers heard in the room.

"Sold to Miss Montego!" the man declared.

As she was about to leave, Thea strolled to her. She threw the ruff in a glass case to Adela.

"I shall thank you for the 15 million, Ada. I shall accept the gift."

Adela was disgusted and got into the SUV.

"Remember, Thea. I will make you regret every step. Do not forget, I always win." Adela said.

"Well, I'll prove you wrong."

Adela got out of her car.

"According to what you said, you actually do not hate me. You loathe me. You want to free your family, but there is more to it. You would not do all this just for your family. You always hated your family. Margaret promised you something beyond wealth. You actually hate Margaret too. She has something of yours which is dearer to you than your own life. You have promised her this and she has promised you the thing. You hate me because Margaret made you hate me. You are tied to me. You are bound to me. You never wanted to be with me, you were forced by Margaret. You not only hate me, but you hate my entire family," Adela whispered.

"How did you-, You are a psychopath," Thea whispered, shaking her head and taking a step back.

"High-functioning sociopath, dear bestie," Adela smiled. "You should know that by now."


(Chapter 4 --->)

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