Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 – Haunting Horrors Unveiled

Adela took off the cloth covering her eyes and gazed at Thea with animosity.

"You must have realized how important eyes are, I assume," Thea smiled. "It's such a pity if you are like this."

Thea moved and behind her was Eurus. Dead and pale lying on the floor. Her eyes were opened with no eyeballs. There lied the corpse of Eurus Edward Montego, Adela's most beloved person left of Earth, staring at her with empty sockets.

Adela fell to her knees. She crawled to Eurus slowly and extended a shaky hand to her face. As she touched her thin jawline, Eurus's mouth slit into a smile. Adela fell back in horror and screamed.

"What have you done to her," Adela uttered tremulously.

Adela was shaking uncontrollably and her heart beat hard against her chest. She panted and anger flooded and ran through her veins.

"This," Thea said, "Is the price for slapping me," stroking Eurus's face. "Don't worry, the smile was just an experiment," she added.

"You're a psychopath," Adela muttered in a shaky voice.

"Yes. I always was. I told you. I will prove to be better."

Adela managed to stand up and clenched her hands into fists.

"Now, the lives of the rest of your brothers are also in my hands," Thea revealed. "Therefore, do as I instruct."

The room she had been taken to was indeed a tower. A tower. It was her room. She was so lost in the plot she had forgotten to notice her surroundings. Why in her room.

Thea threw a folder on her coffee table.

"This, you see, is the second task," she declared.

Adela tore the folder open and inside was nothing but a single sheet of paper. She took it out and scanned it. It was a poem.

"What is this," she asked.

"A poem," Thea responded.

The poem read:

The year 1999

Under the Acacia tree

Is where you will find me

Into the fathomless pit

Upon which is writ

A dream so dear

From which many fear

There is a ray of light

Until the night

Either I will bring thy power

Or I dwell beneath the tower

Remember the date 1999

It is an Anniversary of mine

"The year 1999," Adela read out loud.

"Yes, you are getting there. What happened in 1999?"

"My eldest brother, Marvolo, died."

"Exactly. The year was 1999. Marvolo was eight when he died. He wrote this poem. Figure out what it means for me," Thea said, although she clearly knew what it meant.

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