Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 – The Flaw in the Plan

Blood poured out of Thea's head and Margaret's chest. Margaret had shot Thea dead and Adela-.

Adela had shot her own mother. Adela fell back. She crawled backwards in horror. She just committed a second murder. First in the first task then in the last. She breathed heavily. Her heart felt like it would tear through her chest. Just then several voices of hurried climbing stairs came.

It was her brothers. Magnus, Andrew and Edmund. They were alive. There was no way they would believe her.

"Don't worry," Magus said, approaching Adela as she crawled further backward. "We saw everything."

"You- You did?" Adela whimpered.

Andrew examined the bodies of the three dead women. Edmund threw a jacket at Adela. She needed it. She was shivering uncontrollably.

"You have seen too much," Magnus whispered, patting her to calm down. "It's all okay now."

"Why don't you blame me for it?" Adela whined.

"She is a bad woman, Ad. You did what's right."

"I thought you always were a jerk," Adela sniffled.

"Well Margaret forced us all to," Andrew said, standing up. "All dead," gesturing to Thea and Margaret.

Edmund slowly walked to Eurus. Tears rolled down his face. Edmund and Eurus had always been together since childhood. Eurus always convinced Adela to take in Edmund into everything they played.

"What had she done?" he sobbed on her lap.

Andrew turned towards the doorway and looked at the floor. Magnus sighed and helped Adela up. Magnus ringed the bell and six men came in. Magnus jerked his head and the men began to clean up the mess at once. They managed to move Edmund's head from Eurus's lap and took her away.

The four of them went down to the main hall. It was empty except them.

"So much has happened," Adela whispered.

"Something does not seem right," Magnus said. "After years of planning, Margaret wouldn't have died for nothing. She wouldn't have just given herself in like that. There must be more to it."

Adela felt everything blur around her. The voices of her brothers muffled and the last she saw was a dim outline of the fireplace and darkness.

She woke up to find herself on the clinic bed. Nurses roamed in all directions around her. It was the Montego family's personal hospital.

"She has woken up," she heard a man say.

She could figure out Magnus, Andrew and Edmund walking in. They bent over and glanced at her. Edmund's eyes were swollen from crying. Eurus, she assumed. Andrew looked ten years older because of the circumstances. Magnus looked worried.

"You're awake," Magnus said.

Adela tried sitting up but her body gave in. She nodded and gestured towards the chairs. Andrew and Edmund sat there and Magnus pulled his chair closer to her bed.

"I wouldn't let anyone harm you anymore," he said.

"I don't need your protection," Adela groaned.

"You do. You're all alone. No one can harm you anymore. Not on my watch."

Adela was not used to Magnus being so nice to her.

"What's the catch?"

Magnus grinned. "No catch," he said.

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