Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 – The Trap

Next day, Adela was woken up by her new lawyer.

"I am your new lawyer," said the woman entering her room. She had short, straight black hair and rim-less rectangular glasses. She wore a suit of deep shade of emerald with high heels. "Anastasia Rodrigo. You can call me Ann."

"Leave me alone," Adela said, annoyed that even her sleep schedule was to be monitored.

"I will, but I must inform you of something," Ann said. "And I am pretty sure you would want to hear it."

"Go ahead," Adela moaned.

"Today, at approximately three pm, your sister will be returning from abroad. I was wondering if you would like to pick her up. However, you do not seem very interested-"

Adela sat up, wide-eyed.

"Eurus!" she chanted.

"Get ready by two pm sharp," Ann smiled.

The whether seemed fairly less chill. Adela waited in the Montego family's personal runway and soon spotted an airplane in the distance. It landed right beside her and the private jet came to a halt. The door opened and a girl in her early teens came out. She was not like Adela. She had jet-black hair, a ghostly white complexion and Margaret's icy-blue eyes. She stepped down gently and stretched. She looked at Adela and grinned. She trapped Adela into a bear-hug and wouldn't let go.

"Alright – I – Can't – Breathe-," Adela panted.

Eurus stepped back and smiled from ear to ear.

"We got party to do," Eurus said.

She took her hand and ran to the house.

Eurus's wing was beside Adela's. Eurus's happiness did not last very long as she looked at the portraits of their father on the walls. Eurus had not gotten the chance to meet Edward like the way Adela had after graduation. She stopped in front of a portrait which had hers, Adela's and her father's picture painted on it. Edward had Jet-black hair like Eurus's and light brown eyes like Adela. Eurus resembles Edward more than Adela. Her features were finer and more detailed.

Adela pated her on the shoulder as a tear streamed down Eurus's cheeks. They entered Eurus's wing. Hers was brightly lit with a soft tone throughout the wing. All the furniture was a light shade of grey and off-white.

"I got it cleaned for you today," Adela said, pleased with herself.

"I didn't ask for it," Eurus said, throwing herself on her bed.

"Thankless," Adela scoffed.

"Anyway, how's Thea. Why's she not here?" Eurus asked, looking around.

"Don't mention that asshole in front of me," Adela said, gritting her teeth.

"Huh, what did she do?" Eurus asked, sitting up.

Adela narrated the entire event to her from the beginning to the end.

"That's...That's a joke, right?" Eurus said, shocked.

"That was a wonderful story," Thea said, emerging into the room. "And it wasn't a joke, Eurus."

"You are such an asshole-" Eurus shrieked, slapping Thea.

Just then, Edmund, the second youngest Montego child came in.

"What is going on here?" he inquired, frowning.

"Who gave you the permission to enter?" Adela countered.

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