Start Switchin' Up Your Plans

585 46 28

O. Maraj

My last client left with the biggest smile on her face, boosting my ego tremendously. Things had been better and bigger in business for me, after my collaboration with a new and improved vendor, I was now able to provide hair for my clients along with my services.

Thank you to my honey of course.

She was an amazing business woman, teaching me and expanding my horizons with each and every conversation we shared. B was so intelligent and it really made me question why she was active in the streets when she could've been running many businesses. With her connections, I was able to raise my price, set it, and bring in more clientele along the way.

Soon, I would have to extend my shop to another part of the city, and hire more team members. Truthfully, I wanted to travel and live life doing what I enjoy doing most—hair.

It was always the luxury or lack there of of time and money for me, but now with business booming I am looking at a very early retirement.

That along with life just being amazing for me was what I was grateful for. After watching my last client of the day safely pull off, I shut down the front of my shop and locked up for the day.

Beyoncé wanted this new game that was sold out every where she looked but I was able to find it through my foreign hair vendor.

She was amazing, just as great of a student as she was a teacher. As she promised, she took me on dates in and out of town, spoiling me with luxurious gifts, her time, mind blowing sex, and companionship.

So I wanted tonight to be about her, I had rolled her three blunts just as she liked them—not too stuffed. Bought her a few games, three pairs of sneakers, and a new gadget for her gun I found through my vendor also.

She liked fly shit, she only sported fly shit so it was only right I splurged on my fly ass woman.

After making sure everything was locked, I went upstairs to start off her sautéed steak, fully loaded potatoes, and salad per her request.

That woman devours anything I cook and that's how I know she's the woman for me. Besides, I got off on playing house with Beyoncé, she enjoyed it also. It was our escape from our hectic lives because we didn't see one another daily.

"I'm ready to eat right now," she walked through the door more sluggish than usual. Her arms wrapped around my waist as she embraced me from behind. I leaned into her touch, making sure everything was on the road to being fully prepared for my lady.

"30 more minutes, baby, can you wait for me?" I looked up in her face, puckering my lips. She kissed me slow and deep, grabbing my neck with power and sensual compressed together. I felt chills everywhere, the same feeling I felt nearly a month and a half ago.

"I can cause I know it's gon be good," she pecked my lips once more, not even aware of the bed full of things that waited for her.

Instead of heading to the room, she sat on the couch and laid back with an exhausted look on her face.

I knew that look from anywhere.

"You gotta get a better ski mask or something, B," I noted the blood splatters beneath her eye, on her ear lobe and hairline. Along with that exhausted look, she knows she can't hide shit from me.

"Onika," she sighed, getting up. I raised my hand and grabbed the pot of steaks to dress them with yellow and red peppers that were covered and soaked in my own homemade recipe. She sat back down, extending her body to cover her section of the sofa.

"You look out for me, I look out for you right? That's all I'm suggesting, I don't want details, I just want you to be safe, Beyoncé."

"I am safe, I'm home with you right now."

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