Chapter 9

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Hi my lovelies,I just wanted to tell you that I majorly edited the previous chapter so I suggest you skim through it before you read this one. I just also want to thank all 134 of you for sticking with me while I've ghosted y'all. This past week had been killing me from me getting sick to school starting up and the universe just generally testing my patience.

I love you all❤️❤️

Alex's POV

When we got back to my room we put our stuff down and sat on the bed.Kai slipped a comforting arm around my shoulder and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

We stay like that for a couple minutes in silence before I decided to break it.

" I'm sorry " I say in a soft voice.Kai look down at me with a confused expression as he says " What for?" I hesitate before saying " For ruining our date"

Kai turns to face me fully and says " What on earth made you think that you ruined our date?" I look at him like he's grown a second head

"Well to start things off, my ex boyfriend shows up and interrupted our date,humiliated me and in turn you.Then to top it all off I broke down and got snot and tears all over your shirt." I ramble

Kai cuts me off "You didn't ruin our date 내 영혼"(my soul)" You didn't know he was coming and I can tell he was a jerk during our lovely chat,I honestly don't know what you saw in him" I giggle softly at that as he smiles and carries on.

" As for my shirt, it is not ruined and even if it was I wouldn't give a damn.You were vulnerable and hurt and you needed comfort and I would do it again in a heartbeat do you understand."He says in a stern but soft voice. I nodded as I stared at him and he stared right back.

His eyes.They were so captivating. Soft and yet hard at the same time. I see them flicker to my lips then back to my eyes

"I really want to kiss you right now Alex" Kai whispered "What's stopping you" I say just as softly. Then we closed our eyes and leaned in

And our lips collided.

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