Chapter 9

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"Empress Mother!" Naveen the second prince called Alarice who was currently having tea in the garden.

He was with the First Prince Mael.

"Hello sweethearts. Why don't you join me in my afternoon tea?" Alarice said

"I want strawberry tart!" Naveen said. Mael on the other hand politely sit down on the chair.

Naveen looks around trying to find someone. Alarice chuckled.

"Hiciel was not here. She was with his father to go shopping." She said

Naveen blushes. "I-It's not like I'm looking for her or anything!"

"You're blushing, Naveen." teases Mael.

"So what brings you here?" Asked Alarice.

"Nothing. I'm bored so I wanna play." Naveen said

"Did you runaway from your teacher?" Alarice asked.

"N-no!" the second prince lied.

"You know that those lessons are very important. You'll need that to fulfill your obligations as a Prince of this Empire."

"Yeah but I don't like to be an Emperor. Brother Mael is here. I mean who would want to sit on the chair all day doing boring paper works." Naveen complained.

Alarice saw how Mael flinched and tremble from hearing about the succession. She held his hands on the table.

"Marl? Are you okay? You can always talk to me if you need someone to talk to." Alarice sweetly said.

Mael smile forcefully. "I'm fine Empress Mother."

Alarice is worried. She know that Mael was being pushed too hard by the Empress Consort in his lessons on being a successor but she can't do anything about it. She doesn't have the power to. It is now that she regretted not sharing the responsibility of educating the successors so she can at least help his load.

Naveen was also learning how to be a Crown Prince but he was much more spoiled and carefree. Must be because he was spoiled by her and the second concubine.

She did tried her best to lessen Mael's lesson when she first saw his schedule of 14 hours of study without rest or break by raising her concern to the Emperor but his loads were just lessen to now 12 hours.

The Empress Consort reasoned out that it was just the right load for a prince that needs to be equipped with lots of knowledge to help the country.

"Oh and my mom was busy fixing her dress." Naveen interrupted while eating his cookies.

"Fixing her dress? Why?" Alarice asked

"She just knew that Mael's mom and Father will wear matching dress at the banquet and now she learns the color of their dress and she tried match it with them. Honestly, women are so complicated. Except for Empress Mother of course." He said then Alarice pinched her cheeks which causes Naveen to flinch in the slight pain.

"As a child. You're not supposed to say the last point, are we clear?" She said while smiling teasingly.

"They have their circumstances brother." Mael said.

Naveen pouted. "Your brother's right Naveen."

"But mom and I were supposed to wear matching golden outfits. It standout the most! But now she's going to wear a blue one."

Sometimes, Alarice was worried if she ever did spoil this little kid too much. He's becoming more and more pouty and sensitive to small things and wants to have his ways all the time.

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