Side story 6 - END of side stories

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Like what Nyra suggested. Nicholas keeps on sending letters to Alarice.

Though not once did she replied to him. He will always heard that her letters was constantly coming to Nyra and Ember but never to him. Nicholas spent the years longing for the woman he can never have again.

One day, when he was resting in the Empress Palace a letter arrived.

The letter that he was waiting for decades.

Your Majesty,

How are you doing your majesty? It's been a while, right? I don't know if I should still call you that since you are no longer the King and our daughter took on the throne for quite a while now.

I hope you're doing great. I would like to invite you for a small dinner party. I hope you can make it.

- Alarice

Nicholas tried not to cry so the letter won't be smudged with his tears.

He hugged the letter that he waited for so so long.

"Thank you." He muttered

Nicholas arrived at Las Islas after a month together with Nyra and Ember. He thought he will be welcomed by a happy and bright atmosphere but he was not.

By the palace gate is the reigning King Emery.

"It's been a while father and sister" He said

"You're looking good brother." Nyra said as he hugged Emery

"So why would you call me from all the way to the north?" Ember asked

"Seems like you really like being the Duchess of the North for you to complain." Emery said

"Where's your mother?" Nicholas finally spoke

Emery smiled sadly.

"Let's go. I'll take you to her room." He said

Emery took them to a room with lots of maid and some doctors. Nicholas feel nervous and his heart started pounding loudly.

"Father, let's get some tea first and let sisters talk to mom." He said

"N-no. Please let me see your mom first." He tried insisting

"That's mom's order. We wouldn't want her to be upset right?" Emery said

Nicholas don't have a choice but to go with Emery.

"Mom was already old and she has been suffering a heart ailments for the last two years. She's been growing weaker and weaker. The doctors were trying to do their best but she was already.." Emery said softly while pouring his father tea

"No one told me." Nicholas said looking at his tea cup blankly. Unable to process the things that he just heard

"She didn't want to tell anyone. Even my sister's didn't know." He said

He didn't utter a word after that. No one did. They were just there sitting and drinking tea.

After a while Ember and Nyra emerged from the room. They were both sullen and their eyes were red and puffy from crying.

Nicholas stood up and slowly went to the room. He was greeted by a gloomy atmosphere and the smell of herbs.

He saw the most beautiful woman lying at her bed. Even with her skinny body and dark circles under her eyes, in his eyes her beauty was still there. What do they call it? Undying beauty.

"Hi." Her voice come off as a foreign sound for him.

He didn't heard her voice for a long time now so she sound unfamiliar and yet the gentleness laced in her voice was still familiar to him.

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