Chapter 13

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Alarice sighed. She's really really tired now. During the first dance, instead of dancing with Mael or Naveen as her first dance she was having conversations with the ladies of the new nobles.

I wanna rest. After this, I'm gonna file a one month vacation!

When the ladies all disperse to dance with their partners she thought she'll have time to rest but Mael and Naveen approached her. Mael lend his hand asking for dance.

"Give this Empress Mother of you a time to rest, children." She pleaded

"I'm sorry Empress Mother, but we need to dance. It's the second dance now and if we don't we'll be criticized." Mael said while smiling

She looked at the bright, dazzling dance floor of the ball. Everyone was so lively. It seems like she's the only one tired.

My social battery is almost zero. As I thought, I can no longer hold on to this. I need divorce.

She sighed and took Mael's hand. On the dance floor, Mael tried to ease her tiredness by making her laugh all the way true.

Is he really his child? His son's way better than him.

Then he danced with Naveen. She did enjoy the dance that she forgot her fatigue. She was about to seat but a gentleman with black hair and red eyes like rubies approached her. He was dazzling.


She felt that the banquet hall's atmosphere changes. All the nobles attention was with them.

What? What? Am I missing something?

I looked at Adeline who was at the back of this gentleman. She was restless.

"I heard your brother was making a pass with my sister." His deep clear voice said

"Huh?" She was so overwhelmed by his appearance and voice that she spout out things like a fool.

"He was giving my sister a lot of wine. Is he trying to make her drunk?"

Alarice's jaw almost clenched. Her stupid brother!

"He seriously did that?!"

"Yes. So if you are hiding him can you-"

"Brother stop! I told you it's not like that!" Adeline who jumped out of her brother to stop him.

"You're in the middle of the dance floor. You're embarrassing Ally. A lot of people are looking." Adeline murmured

"Is that so?"

"Yes, brother. So please." Adeline almost beg

Alarice was somewhat relieve but then the guy suddenly lend his hand for a dance.

"Please have a dance with me, Your Majesty The Empress."

Wow. He's so rude so I thought he doesn't recognize me. Turns out he does. What a waste of his face and voice.

Alarice has a mixed feelings. She don't want to accept the dance but this guy's looks like someone who won't stop untill he gets what he wants.

I'll extend my vacation for two months. She said then held the guy's hand.

They start dancing in the middle. He can feel the gazes of the people around them.

"Please tell His Majesty that I only ask you to dance because I need information about your Brother." He suddenly said

"What do you mean?"

"His piercing gaze almost dig a hole through my head."

I subtly looked at the Emperor and there she saw him glaring at them.

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