Chapter Four - Kugelblitz

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"Harlan? Is that you?" Viktor asks as he looks at the man. In silence he walks past Viktor and the other Umbrellas, and walks to the corpses of Jayme and Alphonso. Luther looks at the two Sparrow siblings, and then at Sloane, who lays motionless a few feet away from the others. As they look at the dead siblings in front of them, Klaus dances through the door. Once he sees the bodies he stops.

"Oh man. Heavens to Besty. What did you do? Did Viktor go fill ''Carrie'' again?" Klaus asks and looks from the Sparrows to his siblings in shock.

"We didn't do this." Allison answers and nods towards Harlan.

"Harlan?" Viktor asks again walks closer to him.

"Don't! Don't come near me, please." Harlan says, making Klaus take a step backwards.

"I just want to make sure that you're okay." Viktor answers and looks at Harlan, who takes himself to the head, like he's in pain.

"You can... You can talk now."

"Who the hell is creepy grandpa?" Klaus asks as he walks in around Viktor and Harlan.

"That's the kid Viktor saved in Dallas." Diego answers looking at Viktor and Harlan.

"Oh yeah, shit."

"Oh shit! You're right!"

"But didn't he get rid of all the kid's mojo when he did all ''that''?" Klaus asks, referring to the weird events happening in Dallas.

"Yeah, I guess that didn't stick." Allison answers.

"What's he doing here, now?" Klaus then asks.

"Who cares? He saved us from the Sparrows." Diego answers and looks to the two Sparrow siblings on the floor.

"Sloane." Luther yells as he tries to shake her awake.

"Wow, he did that?" Klaus asks and looks at the siblings on the ground a bit impressed.

"Sloane, are you all right?" Luther tries again. Diego, Klaus and Allison turn their attention from the two dead siblings to Sloane as she winces in pain.

"It's okay." Luther says and helps Sloane to sit. As she sits up, her eyes catches the bodies of her dead siblings on the floor. In panic she gets up from the floor, ignoring everything around her.

"It's all right. Sloane, it's all right." Luther tries to calm her. Her eyes quickly moves to him in fear. Fear runs through her body and she runs off in pain.

"Sloane." Luther shouts after her.

"You got a live one, Luther!" Diego yells after Luther as he runs after Sloane.

"Shit. Sloane!"

"Harlan, wait!" Viktor yells after Harlan as he runs the other way.

"Um... Go help Luther." Viktor says to Allison, as she walks up to him.

"What about you?"

"I can handle it. Go."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Klaus stands back and looks as his siblings run off in two different directions. He then looks at the bodies and walks closer to them, to get a better look.


In the snowy storm, Blake has gained her balance as they walk into the Commission building. Inside the building shows it has been abandoned for some time.

"Holy shit." Lila says as she looks around the building. Five looks around in shock, not believing his eyes.

"I was just here. How long was I bloody gone?"

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