Owl Post and Floo powder | Draco

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I was soaring through the air on my Nimbus 2000, bursting through the clouds, looping between buildings. I dipped down low and ran my fingers through the beautiful blue lake underneath me, watching it ripple. It was amazing. I felt free like a bird, with no one telling me to come back, to go to bed, to finish my peas, to...

"Wake up!"

No, I don't want to wake up! I ignored the voice and darted through the trees, sending a flock of sparrows dispersing. I felt something tugging on my sleeve. Looking down, I saw that it was some sort of tarsier. Ew. I flicked my arm outwards to get it off.

"But Master Draco, you must wake up!"

Suddenly, the tarsier whom I thought I had gotten rid of appeared right in front of my face. I couldn't see where I was going, and the last thing I saw was lots of leaves, a family of squirrels, and that stupid primate.

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, revealing the boring ceiling with a stupid chandelier, rather than the endless blue sky. No freedom, no trees, no lake...

And no Nimbus 2000. I frowned.

"Master Draco, Master Draco, you are up! You must go have breakfast, you are to go out today with Mistress Cissy and Master Lucius! Get up!" Ah, so the tarsier was in fact not a tarsier but instead Dobby, the family house elf. Well, one of them.

I groaned again, turning to face the other side and pulling the sheets higher over my head. Sorry Dobby, but this is one of the few times I want you to get lost. I deeply disliked shopping with Mother. She always took forever, and she sometimes got carried away with talking with friends. She would also make me walk right past the giant window in the Broom Shop. Torturous. Especially with the new Nimbus model in the window! I don't see why Mother can't go to Gringotts by herself. I was perfectly capable of looking after myself. I'd just stay in my room all day. Besides, I had Dobby to help me if I needed anything. We also had maybe four other elves to help me bury the little guy if he beat himself to death.

Or was it perhaps Mother who needed caring for? Was she worried that she'd lose me in the crowd of people in the few seconds it took her to get distracted by a new ice cream flavour in Fortescue's? Or maybe she might accidentally run into Knockturn Alley and need someone to protect her from the creeps who hang around there?

Clearly her needing protection isn't the case because I bet she's got a couple of friends who basically live in Knockturn. And she's not really an ice cream person.

I slowly crawled out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. After getting dressed, I went downstairs (via handrail-Mother and Father do not approve) and joined my parents at the table. The table was much too long for a family of three. There were about ten more seats at this table. The only other person who joined us was Aunt Bella, but the last time she came was ten years ago, so I wouldn't remember. She was a very close supporter of You-Know-Who. While Father tried to save himself by saying he was Imperiused by the Dark Wizard, Bellatrix was proud of being a Death Eater. I'm secretly glad that she was sent to Azkaban because from all I know, she was psychotic and merciless. Though I have a feeling she'd be for sliding down the hand banister.

Breakfast was quiet, as usual. Mother was reading some boring novel and Father the Daily Prophet, a judging scowl etched deeply into his face. I prodded my egg and watched the yolk ooze across the plate, soaking into the bread. I sensed my Mother and Father looking up from their morning reads in turn to see why I wasn't bringing my fork to my mouth.

"Draco, eat your breakfast," ordered Mother.

I grunted like a troll.

"Draco..." warned Father.

I grunted harder.

See what I mean? No freedom.

Mother sighed. "Come on, Draco. If you're not eating, are you at least ready to go to Diagon Alley?"

"Master Lucius, Mistress Narcissa? Some mail..." a little house elf said, wearily approaching Father, who snatched the envelopes out of its trembling hands.

"Master Draco, some mail for you too..." it said, turning to me. Mail? I never get mail! Mother gets the bills and occasionally something from a friend, maybe to meet up for lunch. Father gets mail from the Ministry; he works there. Sometimes even from the few friends he had. I never got anything, no birthday letters from family or friends... although come to think of it, I don't exactly have friends. My Father is friends with Crabbe and Goyle, who have kids, Crabbe and Goyle, but they're really dumb. All they do is follow me around, eat, sleep, and eat. I don't think they have minds of their own, unless it's whether something tastes good or not. I swear, they're part troll. They're sooooo boring. Of course, there's also Pansy Parkinson, the annoying daughter of Percival Parkinson, who works with my Father. She looks like a pug and is an annoying little git. She also follows me around, but does seem to have a mind of her own. But yeah, no proper friends.

I took the envelope from the elf, who quickly scurried out the room. I looked at it. Mr. D. Malfoy, Bedroom 4 in the West Wing, Malfoy Manor. Ok, the address is oddly specific. I turned it over. There was a purple seal on it. I recognised it at once.

"Father, I got a Hogwarts letter!"

He looked up from his paper, looking rather bored.

"Well done, Draco," he drawled.

I tore it open. There was a school supplies list. Maybe that's why Mother wanted to drag me out today! She must've known-Father probably told her. Father gets information on everything from the Ministry.

"Well, if you're done with your breakfast, get your things together. We can buy your school supplies and get you fitted for robes, I suppose."

I excitedly jumped out of my seat. I was going to get a wand! I've been waiting for the day I got one since I found out that you couldn't just snap a branch off a tree.

Five minutes later, I was crawling out a fireplace in Diagon Alley, for once excited to go shopping with my parents.



So... What do you think?

This was not thought out. I'm not entirely sure where we are going

Please give me feedback :D


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