Houses and Old Hats | Draco

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The Hannah Abbot girl walked up and sat on the stool. She looked rather nervous. Well, I think we all felt quite scared. The hat fell right over her eyes. After about five seconds, 

"HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat shouted.

The table adorned with yellow cheered and clapped as Hannah went and sat with them. 

Oh np. What if I got Hufflepuff? I'd be disowned! I suppose Ravenclaw isn't horrible, but just imagine! Father would be very disappointed. He wouldn't mind Ravenclaw terribly- better blue than red or yellow- but our whole family has been in Slytherin forever. Every generation. Though I am told a cousin of Mother's was a Gryffindor. She said he was a  troubled boy. But imagine. 

"HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat shouted again, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see another girl scuttling off to sit next to Abbot.

"Boot, Terry!"

"Brocklehurst, Mandy!"

"Brown, Lavender!"


"Bulstrode, Millicent!"

Bulstrode. I recognised that name. A pureblood family. Father says they're good people. But I think it's a different good in this case.

"Crabbe, Vincent!"
Oh right, he has a first name.

Yay him.

"Finch-Fletchley, Justin!"

Why are there so many Hufflepuffs?

"Goyle, Gregory!"
Why do I keep forgetting these two have first names?

Ok, it will be very embarrassing if I didn't get into Slytherin now.

"Granger, Hermione!"

The obnoxious girl from the train walked, no, ran up to the stool and shoved the hat on her head. After some time, 


Really? You'd think someone that obnoxious would go to Ravenclaw. But I guess it fits Gryffindor as well.

"Longbottom, Neville!"

He didn't seem the type. And to prove my point, he ran off still wearing the hat.

I was getting bored and restless.


"Malfoy, Draco!"

I froze.

Then I started walking because it would be pretty weird if I just stood there.

I sat on the stool nervously. I better be in Slytherin.

McGonagall lowered the hat onto my head.

It all happened in less than a second. The hat said something that sounded like "Malfoy, eh?"  then immediately shouted "SLYTHERIN!"

I beamed. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?

I walked over to the table of hollering Slytherins and joined Crabbe and Goyle. 

That Pansy Parkinson got put in Slytherin as well.

I desperately hoped that Blaise would also be put in Slytherin. I'm sure he would be, my Father rather likes the Zabinis.

I started counting the many candles on the ceiling. One, two, three...

I was starting to get bored. I was hungry. I wanted the sorting ceremony to end already.

A hundred and forty two, a hundred and forty three, a hundred and forty four, a hundred and forty five...

At some point I reached three hundred, but suddenly,

"Potter, Harry!"

The whole hall became quiet at once. Then a wave of whispers, like before outside the Great Hall.

"Potter, did she say?"

"The Harry Potter?"

Everyone was whispering about him, and I felt proud that we were now friends.

Harry's sorting took longer than mine. The hat took a few seconds, maybe a minute. I think it might've been having a conversation with Harry. Harry was gripping the sides of the stool like he would float away if he let go. What if Harry was put in another house, Gryffindor perhaps? I suppose we could still be friends, but we might not have as much fun. And what if we both were on the Quidditch teams, we'd have to play against each other rather than with.

That might not be fun. Father would like him a lot less if he was a Gryffindor. I have a feeling Father doesn't like him that much anyways.

Then, the rip in the hat opened, and the hat shouted out Harry's house...



Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn~


I'm a slinthead, I know.

This chapter is extremely short because I wanted to be a slinthead :)

Feedback please :D


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