Trophies and Three-Headed Dogs | Draco

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Granger dragged me, Harry and Weasley to the trophy room. She led us over to a cabinet and pointed to one of the trophies. On it said James Potter, Seeker, 1972. Well, that was cool.

"Harry, you never told me your father was a Seeker too," said Weasley in awe. Weasley? Don't know if you can recall your best friends story, but his parents were murdered when he was one. I don't think his father really had the time to tell Harry, "Oh yeah, I was Seeker for Gryffindor in the 70s!"

"I didn't know," said Harry, sounding equally amazed as Weasley.

While the three Gryffindors mooned over Harry's father, I had a look at the other trophies. One name in particular caught my eye. Regulus Black, Seeker, 1974. I recognised that name. Black was my mother and Aunt Bella's family name. But I don't remember any Reguluses. I'd have to ask Mother.

"It's getting late. We'd better get going, unless we want to be caught by Filch," said Granger in her bossy tone, breaking the peaceful silence. Ugh.

"I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do!" whispered Weasley to Harry as we made our way out of the room.

"Who doesn't?" Harry whispered back. Granger looked like she was ready to announce some obnoxious statement, but then there was a loud creaking noise.

"What's happening?" said Weasley as the stairs we were on started shifting.

"The staircases change, remember?" I replied. I still didn't understand how this ancient castle could still possibly be standing.

The top of the staircase clicked in place, leading to a large wooden door. "Let's go this way before the staircase moves again," Harry said. He rushed up the stairs and into the room behind the door and the rest of us followed.

We entered the dark and dusty room. I had never seen this place before. "Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?" asked Weasley. 

Hermione answered him. "We're not supposed to be here. This is the third floor, it's forbidden." Oh riiight... I had forgotten about that little rule. Oops. Well, I hope there wasn't some giant snake or something waiting to kill us in here.

"Let's go," said Harry. Good idea!

We turned back to the direction of the door and heard a meow.

"It's Filch's cat!" Well, obviously. Who else would it be, Granger? She's not a cat, it would be ridiculous if she was. Weasley wasn't very bright.

"Run!" Another great idea, Harry!

Harry turned and saw another large wooden door. "Quick, let's hide through that door!" he said, running to it.

He tugged on the doorknob a couple of times. "It's locked!"

"That's it, we're done for," Weasley groaned. What happened to Gryffindors being brave and stuff? Weasley, you're supposed to not give up and stuff. Come on, man.

"Oh, move over!" said Granger with an exasperated sigh. She pushed the three of us away from the door.

"Alohamora," she said, pointing her wand at the door. And just like that it opened.

"Get in," said Harry pushing us all inside.

"Alohamora?" asked Weasley once I had closed the door behind us.

"Standard Book of Spells, chapter seven," replied Granger all matter-of-factly.

We could hear Filch shuffling around outside. We stood in this other dark and dusty room holding our breath. I don't know if it was because we were trying to be quiet or because of that god awful dog smell.

"Anyone here, my sweet?" we could hear Filch saying. To his cat. This school has the weirdest staff.

And after a couple of seconds, "Come on."

"Filch is gone. Probably thinks this door is locked," said Weasley, and at that moment I found the source of the dog smell.

"It was locked," I said.

"And for a good reason," finished Harry, looking at the same thing as me.

In front of us was the largest dog I have ever seen, and not only was it about as big as the room, it had three heads. Three heads. What kind of Cerberus thing was this?

And perfect for us, it started waking up. All three of its heads started yawning and licking it's lips. And one by one they noticed us. And then they let out a deafening growl. And we let out a deafening scream. And Harry came up with another splendid idea: fleeing. I just realised that so far that has been his only idea, and so much for his Gryffindor braveness and stuff, but that's not the point.

He opened the door and we all pushed through it, screaming in beautiful harmony. We pushed the door into one of it's snapping faces. 

Well, that was a very eventful night and I wish to not experience one like that again. I left them at one of the staircases and I made my way down to the dungeons, careful to avoid Filch. The next thing I needed was to get caught by the man.



Another short chapter. 803 this time.

I was writing from Draco's perspective and then I remembered that almost immediately they go to the Gryffindor common room, and that maybe it wouldn't be a good idea if Draco knew about Fluffy, but I had basically finished so I couldn't be bothered to change it.

But yeah :)

And isn't that a beautiful picture?

Feedback please :D

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