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ASTRID LILLIAN POTTER was a talented and gifted witch, just like her own mother was before her

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ASTRID LILLIAN POTTER was a talented and gifted witch, just like her own mother was before her. She and her brother, Harry, made history as the first ever people to survive the Killing Curse, yet it was their own Mother who saved them that day. With her love, Lily Potter sacrificed herself and saved her children. No one ever bothered to acknowledge what Lily Potter had done that night, nor did they appreciate the bravery of James Potter. Instead, they believed two babies strong enough to defeat a powerful, dark wizard. They named them, "The Saviours of the Wizarding World," expecting them to save them all at every turn.

And they did.

Astrid and Harry were too kind, but Harry was the one to be easily manipulated back in their teenage years, whilst Astrid went along with her brother, just like they had always done as children. They both believed Albus Dumbledore to be a Grandfather figure, yet the man played them like pawns. He wasn't at all pleased when Astrid was sorted into Slytherin, yet he could not change the Sorting Hat's decision, for Astrid Potter was a Slytherin through and through. He had to think on his feet, and he was successful in turning Harry, Hermione and Ron against Astrid, all because she was a Slytherin. The Wizarding World was also not happy that one of their Saviours was sorted into a, "Dark House". She was meant to be a beacon of light, a beacon of hope, how could a snake hide beneath her innocent outer skin?

But, Astrid was smart. She found out about Albus' games way before Harry, Hermione and Ron ever twigged on. She had tried to convince them of their Headmaster's true colours, yet that only caused a deeper wedge between them all. And whilst Harry was with his friends, Astrid was alone. She took to the library, reading books and only talking to the librarian. It was a sad sight to see, and luckily for her, Astrid was lucky enough to make a friend who couldn't stand seeing this girl so lonely, and so upset. Blaise Zabini became Astrid Potter's first real friend. The two became as thick as thieves, with the Zabini boy believing every word Astrid said about their crooked Headmaster, and to helping her find out a way to defeat Lord Voldemort. Blaise would never betray Astrid, and Astrid would never betray Blaise.

Over the years, Harry and Astrid grew further and further apart. Astrid left the Dursley's and began to stay at Blaise's home. Luckily, Blaise's mother had no interest in the political standing of blood purity and would rather stab herself in the eye with her own wand than join Voldemort. And, she happened to be quite taken with Astrid Potter, coming to think of her as the daughter she never had. Astrid finally had a family, yet part of her yearned to have Harry back as her best friend, as her twin. Unfortunately, Harry was too stuck underneath Dumbledore's thumb and the twins didn't regain their close relationship.

However, the Dark Lord couldn't be defeated whilst the twins were separated. It required both of them to put this monster down. And so, albeit reluctantly, Astrid and Harry teamed up and vanquished the Dark Lord. And once that was done, Astrid and Blaise fled England with their group of Slytherin friends— their family. With no note to tell anyone where they went, except Headmistress McGonagall who received a brief note explaining that they were to be homeschooled for their last year and to not try and change their minds. No address was given to the Headmistress, only those brief words. And to the Wizarding World, Astrid Potter and Blaise Zabini had disappeared.

But on the other side of the globe, Astrid and her family were living their best lives. Astrid applied for Medical School and she was accepted, after years of studying at Harvard University. Unlike Astrid, Blaise continued to study and became a very talented Potions maker, which would've made Professor Snape quite proud. The two were as happy as could be, but who knew that Astrid joining Seattle Grace's Intern/Residency programme would bring them love, heartache and a lot of grief.

Yet, it was worth it all in the end.

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