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Today's the day

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Today's the day. My heart races with enthusiasm only for the fact that I'm working and not because I have to dress up. I don't even remember the last time I had to wear a dress. I think I only wore a dress 3 times in my life. The first time was when I was little and we all took a family photo which honestly I didn't have a choice. Then it was for my 'high school' graduation since we were all homeschooled our whole lives our parents tried to make it as normal as possible. We all had a graduation in which I was valedictorian we all were in each of our graduations. The last time I wore a dress was at Xavier's and Taylor's funeral now looking back I can just say Taylor's funeral because turns out that son of a bitch Xavier isn't dead. I don't even know how to do my own makeup which is highly needed for this event. Thanks to Bossman he asked Kingston's sister to come and help me get ready. She came at like 5 am to start on my highly reasonable hair. I thought Nabi would be the one to do my makeup but she's been keeping her distance from me. And they call me childish.

"So what's going on with you and Dario?" Kaiah said. It's like 10 am now but we've just been talking in my room for hours. Honestly, this felt good I never had friends when I was younger so if this is what a sleepover felt like I would have traded anything to experience this.

"What's going on between us?" I was so confused.

"Has that man not asked you out yet? I mean was the dick not good?" Whoa. What the fuck is she talking about.

"We barely even know each other. We went on one outing and it wasn't even a date he just wanted to get me some stuff and he got hungry so we went to a nice restaurant." Now that I am saying it out loud it does kinda sound like a date.

"Were there other people with you guys?" What is she trying to get at?

My eyes squinted towards her trying to choose my next words carefully. "No bu-"

"Then it was a date. The man talks about you all the time to me and Kingston trust me he has some sort of feeling for you." But I barely even know the man. I never even had a boyfriend let alone had sex before. No one knows this not even my siblings. They all had their firsts a long time ago. Even Leo sneaking out was a habit for them. When I used to sneak out I just went to the beach and cleared my mind.

There was a soft knock on the door that took me and Kaiah out of our conversation. We both looked at each other confused because we had an idea of who it was and that only furthered her suspicion.

"Welp I'll go bother my brother and come back later to come do your makeup." Kaiah opened the door and looked back at me smiling at the fact that the bossman stood on the other side of the door with breakfast. This is so embarrassing I have huge ass rollers in my head. Having locs is already heavy as hell now that they were put up in rollers which added extra weight.

"Can I help you?" I asked. I already knew what he was here for. He wants me to eat.

"Did I not say that while you're here you would eat with me?" He held a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast.

"I can't eat I'll get bloated and the dress won't fit." I joked expecting a laugh but there was no response from him.

"I don't give a fuck about a dress not fitting that shit was go come off tonight anyway." Excuse me? What the fuck is he talking about.

"Here eat." Dario noticed my confused expression and sat the food in front of me on the bed.

"Why choose me to be your date your sister could have been your plus one or Nabi or some other person around here." I told him while taking small bits out of the toast. I like how he would stare at me with this expression that's hard to explain. It's like I amuse him. Like I'm his sight for sore eyes.

"What do I look like as a 26-year-old man pulling up with a petite white chick?" Dario chuckled at his response which made me smile. He has a great personality when he chooses to.

"Ok, so what about Kaiah she's your age, not white, and not petite. Plus she's really pretty." They honestly would look great together if they chose to be together.

"I mean I do see myself with her in the long run. Honestly, do you think she likes me?" His statement made my heart shatter. I guess I wasn't expecting this reaction. He knew her way before me so who am I to step in and get in the middle of their affairs?

His expression softened as he looked at me. He raised my head to look him in the eyes as he sat in front of me on the bed." Kaiah made it clear that she wants nothing to do with this lifestyle. Plus I have known her since we were little kids she's like my sister. And he has a husband and kids so technically I couldn't even be with her if I wanted to." Kids? Husband? How come I didn't know this? Kingston does give me uncle vibes now that I am thinking about it. "I also have my eyes on someone else." Dario knows how to get to me. Honestly, there is no way this man can get hotter by the minute.

"Come on eat we got a long day." Dario's eyes were filled with purity.


I've been staring at the mirror for a whole hour. Honestly, I didn't even think I could look this pretty. I admire my locs so much they are curled to perfection thanks to Kaiah. She just finished my makeup an hour ago which is honestly beautiful.

I haven't left the room yet because I'm scared of everyone's reaction. We have like 20 minutes left before it's time to go. This makes my heart race even more.

"Come in." I told the figure who was on the other side of my bedroom door knocking.

"Whachu waiting on gang?" Kingston peeped his head in first before he entered the room fully.

"All this is new to me. I'm not used to taking things slow. Plus black person to another black person I feel so self-conscious about myself." I sighed.

"Welcome to the mafia life. You belong to Dario now and I promise you he wouldn't let anything happen to you." What the fuck?

"I don't belong to anyone that's for damn sure." I said emphasizing the 'belong' hoping my point came across as smoothly as possible.

"If that's what you think - " Kingston stopped talking as the door opened slightly.

"Awww look at my little sister." Xavier said as he pushed passed the door. Kingston gave us both a nod as he left the room giving us some time to talk.

"Get away from me." I stepped back as he tried to pinch my check I have a full face of makeup on who does he think he is? I missed moments like this we are the only family we have left at this point.

"Come on everyone's ready." He reached out his pale white hand as he sent me a soft smile. I was scared not because of the mission but because I knew all eyes would be on me. I work in silence not whatever is about to happen later. My anxiety eased as I grabbed my brother's hand.

 My anxiety eased as I grabbed my brother's hand

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