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Excitement filled my body as we pulled up to the convention center

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Excitement filled my body as we pulled up to the convention center. There were hundreds of cars and limousines parked outside letting many people out. This convention center was beautiful at least 70% of it was made out of glass. The roof had this wavy build to it which made it look bigger the more you look at it. The way the lights shimmered in the inside lighting up the dark city felt surreal to even look at.

I watched the car that Danila and Xavier are in pass us. They're going to be posted 2 blocks away in a van with a cleaning advertisement on the side. Mateo and Leo were watching from a hotel balcony across the street. Honestly I hope Mateo actually does his job and not swallow himself with my brother's presence. But that goes to say that if anything happens I'm happy I have at least one person I trust in each group. Especially with Nabi by my side.

After a while the driver pulled up towards the front of the convention center doors where the entrance is. There was a bunch of security guards standing around along with many older and younger couples. Life of the mafia I guess.

"Is everything tucked in?" Nabi asked referencing the weapons I have under my boobs. I nodded to her rolling my eyes at her embarrassing comment. What a great use of your boobs some may say. I don't get paid enough for this.

"Ok remember Nabi you give him this drug and try to get the information out of him. If that doesn't work plan B is to inject him with this syringe. He will be physically conscious but not verbally conscious so we have to hurry and take him out and bring him back to the base." I stated as I handed her the small blue pill from my purse and a capped syringe with clear liquid inside.

"Base? You're acting like this is a mission." Kingston giggled. Me and Nabi both stared at him weirdly.

"Thats because this is a mission." I gave him a stank face.

"This is a task." Kingston stated. This child needs help.

"King its the same thing." Dario sighted embarrassed for his best friend.

"No mission is the terminology they use. We say task." Kingston was adamant on his statement.

"Ok we'll say assignment now if it makes you feel so much better." I tried to end this before it became a huge thing.

The driver exited the car to open the door for us. Kingston was the first to leave the limousine, then he helped Nabi out as well. The next out was the big bad wolf. I was ready to help myself out but Dario turned around and reached his hand towards mines. I was taken aback but I totally forgot he's a gentleman when he wants to be. I placed my hand in his and something sparked. I know it sounds cliche but it felt like my hand belonged in his. Like it found its home and it doesn't want to move.

"It's fine I got you." He reassured me as I hesitated to step out of the car. I found the courage to push myself out when his eyes locked with mines.

All eyes gravitated toward me the air filled with an audible hush. It wasn't just a reaction to my presence, but rather the collective realization that expectations were about to be challenged. No one would have ever thought in a million years he would bring someone like me to an event such as this.

I walked with purpose towards the huge glass see through double doors still hand in hand with Boss Man. My strides echoing confidence beside him and the vibrant hum of whispers surrounded us. Conversations paused as attendees turned their heads towards us. Their gazes lingering back and forth. Dario rubbed his thumb along the skin on the back of my hand making my rushed thoughts sink back to reality. In that moment, I felt more than just a plus one. The richness of diversity was on full display as we walked into the building with Kingston and Nabi following closely behind.

The murmurs intensified, but I stood tall  giving the opportunity to challenge anyone.

"Hands up for me please." As stated in the meeting we came upon the pat down first. These things always made me uncomfortable especially if the person who's conducting it is a weirdo.

I stared at the man who stated the action and did as told. I took a deep breath in waiting for him to start. I've done this multiple times and each time I've had the same bad experience. I wasn't nervous for the illegal items I was holding under my breast I was nervous for myself and this pat down.

The bodyguard with a buzz cut filled with specks of grey placed both hands slightly under my armpits. His long pale chubby hands found its way to my breast. I was extremely startled I didn't even know I had stepped back.

"Ever fucking touch her or anyone like that again I'll have you watch everyone in your family swim in their own pool of blood." Boss man grabbed the gaurd by his hand as he stepped in between us. At this point everyone was watching.

"Apologize." Dario demanded as he stepped aside making sure the man could look me in my eyes.

"Either you apologize now or you pay for your behavior later." This time it wasn't a threat it was a promise. You can tell the middle aged man obviously knows who Dario is and what he is capable of.

"I uh I-I I'm sorry miss." The man looked down at my feet while talking embarrassed for his own actions.

Dario placed his right hand on my lower back as he gestured me to continue forward to the next security measure. My body had just adjusted to his hand which rested perfectly against my back. As I walked forward the rest did the same not acknowledging that Nabi, Kingston, and Dario weren't checked. He made his presence dominant as we walked past all the security guards. No one had the guts to stop him.

"If I would've known we couldve just walked in I wouldn't have put this shit under my breast." I said to Bossman hoping only he heard me.

"It's more fun watching you struggle to keep everything up there." Dario tilted his head over to my ear as he whispered.



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