A Map of Hope

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Rey scurried to Ezra and Ahsoka to warn them about her conversation with Ren as they entered an abandoned Jedi Temple to search for the hidden clue to find Korriban. As she approached them, Finn and Poe found something inside the ruins as it was revealed to be a Jedi shrine. Finn picked up a mysterious object, an object that looks like an old holographic device. As he activated it, the object revealed a map, but where it points to, they were unsure.

"It's incomplete," Ezra said. "It's pointing somewhere but I can't pinpoint the exact location."

"We may get it back to base," Ahsoka said. "From there we can find out if it is pointing to Korriban or any other system that could help us turn the tide of this war."

"I agree," Poe said. "Let's get back to base."

"If we're going to leave, we better go now," Rey said. "Because the First Order has arrived and is attempting to prevent us from decrypting the information on the map."

Chewbacca then gave a worried roar and Ahsoka approached Rey. Poe then turned to BB-8 and held the map to him.

"I need you to hold onto this buddy," Poe said. "You will get to the falcon with R2 and warn Sidon, Quiggold, and Kix while we hold off the First Order."

Ren, Taloh, and Vestara arrived with a few stormtroopers, the Knights of Ren, and the Lost Tribe to escort them as they started to converge on Rey and her allies.

"As I said before," Ren said. "You can't escape us. Soon I will collect that artifact and you will serve alongside me or die."

"Never," Rey shouted. "I'll never join you and I will ensure that the Jedi survive!"

"Then you forced our hand," Ren said. "You and the Resistance will fall."

Ren, Taloh, Vestara and the rest of the Tribe ignited their lightsabers and engaged the Resistance leaders with the stormtroopers firing at Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, and the three Jedi. Ren has been launching aggressive attacks on Rey, Taloh with Ahsoka, and Vestara with Ezra. Lucian then charged at Finn with Gavar charging at Poe as them and Chewbacca eliminated the stormtrooper escort.

As the Sith and the Knights gained the upper hand, the Millennium Falcon and the Messon Martinet arrived and started to engage the Sith causing them to turn their attention away from the Resistance leaders. As they jetted off into space, Ren deactivated his lightsaber and proceeded to his fighter with Taloh and Vestara.


Resistance Base, Ajan Kloss,

As the Resistance leaders returned to the base, Rey felt a sense of hope that with the map in her hands she can triumph over Ren and the First Order and restore the Jedi Order as Luke had after the fall of the Empire. As Leia and the rest of the leaders analyzed where the map was guiding them, Ahsoka, Rey, Lowbacca, Jaina, Gungi, and Ezra approached and saw that the map was pointing to the planet Tython. A planet that has a large Jedi Temple which was used after the Sacking of Coruscant during the Great Galactic War.

"This map is showing us to the planet Tython," Ahsoka said. "This could definitely turn the tides of this conflict."

"What is on Tython?" Finn asked.

"Tython is home to a large Jedi Temple that was around thousands of years ago," Ezra replied. "My master Kanan told me about it when he was teaching me about the history of Old Republic."

"If there is a temple, then we could use it as a base to rally more allies to our cause," Poe said. "I say we try to survey the planet."

"We can survey the planet once we are ready," Ahsoka said. "We still have to find Korriban and once we do, we will launch a massive strike against Revan and the Sith Empire."

"I understand," Poe said. "Now the question is how can we get to Korriban since the First Order found it before us."

"Didn't Taloh have a fortress that he stored Sith artifacts before its destruction?" Rey asked. "If we can either search the wreckage of his fortress or lure Ren and Taloh to Nam Chorios, we can find out where Korriban is either way."

"I agree," Leia said. "If we can search the ruins or board that Star Destroyer, this could benefit us and the First Order has played right into our hands."

"Then that settles it," Finn said. "I'll have a team ready to search the ruins and if the First Order arrives, we shall be ready and will board the Steadfast if necessary."

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