Chapter 17

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It was half past 10, when Jungkook reached the room. He kept his bag on the couch and walked straight to his bedroom. He took a shower before going to the kitchen. He was taking out the ingredients to prepare a simple chicken fried rice when his phone rang. Jungkook smiled when he saw the name.

"Hey.", he plugged his ear-pod. "Did you reach home?", he heard Taehyung's breathing hardly. "Mm.. are you okay?", Jungkook asked in a concerned voice. "Yeah.. yeah.. I went for a run.", Taehyung replied. "Oh, do you usually get up this early?", Jungkook asked. "Mm. Early riser and early sleeper.", Taehyung replied and sat on a bench by drinking his protein shake.

"We will be refuting then

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"We will be refuting then. I can stay awake as long as possible but wake up early. It's a heavy task.", Jungkook replied shaking his head. "Mm. But, I don't think I will stick to this routine after our marriage.", Taehyung said. "Why?", Jungkook stopped chopping the onion and asked. "Haha. Nothing.", Taehyung shook his head laughing. "There is something. I got it. Taehyung. You are not that innocent.", Jungkook said pointing the knife ahead at no one. "Who said I am innocent?", Taehyung wiped his sweats with his towel. "I simply thought. It's my mistake.", Jungkook bowed by turning to other side. "I am not. You will see.", Taehyung replied rubbing his nose tip and checking his both sides. "You are scaring me." Jungkook resumed chopping. "You have to, Jungkook. Didn't you see my wrath?", Taehyung asked. Jungkook hummed pouting.

"Tell me, what are you doing?", Taehyung asked. "Dinner. Making chicken fried rice.", he said. "Wow. That's a good choice. I can't wait to have it.", Taehyung said. Jungkook smiled and switched on the induction. "Jungkook. Five more days. I will see you.", Taehyung stood up from the bench and walked back to his home. "Will you come to airport?", Jungkook asked. "What you say? Next day, we are coming to your home.", Taehyung said. "Then let's meet at home, the next day.", Jungkook said. "I don't think I can hold back but I will try really hard.", Taehyung said.

"Taehyung. Can.. I can I call you Tae?",  Jungkook asked. "Mm. Call me whatever you want. Taehyung is also fine.", he replied. "Tae, how old are you?", Jungkook asked dumping the contents on the pot and started making his dinner. "Mm does it matter? 30.", Taehyung said. "Oh, we are two years apart. I am 28.", Jungkook replied. "Mm. I can smell your chicken fried rice here.", Taehyung said. "Haha. Stop mocking me. It's not that prefect. It's okay. Manageable.", Jungkook said and beat in the air. "I.. I really wished if I was there. Sitting on that kitchen counter, looking at you, the way you sulk and prepare the food.", Taehyung smiled and walked inside the home. Jungkook's eyes flicked from the pan on the induction stove to the space after it, on the kitchen counter. He bit his lower lips blushing and moved to that space and stood there back facing. His back touched that granite slab and he hugged himself imagining it's Taehyung's hands.

"Helloo.. hello. You went? Jungkook..???", "yeah. I am here.", Jungkook hit his forehead when he saw his fried rice about to burn. "I reached home. I will call you after taking a shower.", Taehyung said. Jungkook hummed and carried the pan to his dining table and removed the ear-pod and sat there gazing at nothing blushing for no reason.

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