Valentine's Day Special!!

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**Early Author Note**
Hey y'all so with Valentine's Day being just around the corner and this being a romance book I thought I would do a special! I've not been posting on any of my books in anticipation for Valentine's Day to show up but I can't wait any longer! Enjoy the special!

**With the gang**

"Ok y'all, I'm curious who are you guys going to ask to be your Valentine this year?" I ask genuinely wanting to know.

"I'm thinking on asking Astoria. Lucy, do you think she will say yes?" Draco asks.

"Draco, you're all she talks about! Of course she's going to say yes." He silently cheered at the thought.

Theo spoke,"I was going to ask Cho but apparently Diggory and Potter are asking her." He rolled his eyes at the thought.

"You didn't want Cho anyways. I heard that Luna wanted to ask you." I say trying to give him hope.

"She already did, and I declined."

"Theodore!...." I stuttered.

"Loyalty" he sighed

"Theodore Loyalty Nott, why did you break Luna's heart by telling her no! She has had a crush on you since second year she told me! And you just crushed her world! You better go see her and accept to be her Valentine, Now!"

He ran off asking everyone he knew if they knew where Luna was. Mattheo looked at me, thunderstruck.

"And who are you asking, Mattheo?" I asked. Somewhat already knowing who.

"That, princess, is a surprise." He smiled at me.

"Be ready at 7:30 sharp." He got up and left. Leaving me blushing. Hard. Once I pulled myself together I asked Enzo.

"Enzo, who were you going to ask?" He just sat there, silent.

"Oh, nobody I was going to go alone. But, Lucy, if you had a crush on a friends ex boyfriend. Hypothetically, would you still be able to get with him, without hurting your friends feelings?" He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Well, it depends on what they say. If they tell me that he's toxic or rude and to stay away. Then no, you wouldn't get with them. But if they ended on good terms and were just friends and it was ok then sure go ahead. Why do you ask?"

"Umm.. no reason."

That was a lie.

Mattheo was Enzo's best friend since as long as they could remember and I can see why he wouldn't want to ruin that over a girl. Enzo got up and left leaving me and Blaise alone.

"Who were you going to ask Blaise?" He just looks down in shame.

"I was going to ask Ginny Weasley from Gryffindor. But I don't know if Mattheo will kill me for it."

"I'm sure he won't kill you for it. Now, ignore you, I'm not sure, but I'm sure I could talk some sense into him." I comfort.

"Even though he really listens to me" I say sarcastically.

"Oh, but he does. More than anyone else, really. It's weird." He got up and walked away. Leaving me alone in the common room.

**Time skip to 6:30**

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