Overprotective Much?

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Previously on The Best Part of Me: I sit there admiring her every detail until I have them memorized. Because I love her. But when will I have the courage to say it? Hopefully soon.

(Time skip to 6:30 that night)
Lucy's POV:

I go back to my dorm to grab my dress that I was going to wear on me and Mattheos proper date, when Pansy is there.

"Hello Lucy." She snarled. Flashing me a dirty look. I didn't respond, better not to.

**TW: Threats**
(I will mark when you can look if this triggers you)
(Btw, there will be mentions of this moment throughout the whole chapter, just so you know)

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" She snarled again. It took everything in me not to lash out at her, but I didn't.

Next thing I know Pansy grabbed me by my throat, pinning me to the wall.

"When I am talking to you, you respond. Am I clear?" I struggle to say anything. She was holding my throat so tight, the room may as well have went black.

"Just wanted you to know you're being kicked out. Tonight. Better pack your things." She let go of my throat, walking out of the room.

(You can look now)

I'm left there, gasping for air trying to catch my breath back. Instead of catching my breath, however, I start to have a panic attack. I see Pansy had left the door open when she left, so I begin to call for help in between my sharp breaths.

"H-H-H-Help!" I called multiple times. I'm about to give up and admit defeat when Astoria comes running in.

"Lucy!" She slides in kneeling in front of me.

"Ok, Lucy, deep breaths, I'm here, calm down." She says softly, almost calming me down.

"What, time, is it?" I ask as my breathing slows down to a normal pace.

"Don't worry about time right now Lucy, are you okay?" She asks. I notice her looking at my neck. There must have been a hand mark where Pansy had grabbed me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for your help." I start to get up.

"What's on your neck?" She asks while I'm in my closet grabbing my dress.

"Oh, nothing." I say. Brushing it off, when really it was something.

"Which dress should I wear tonight?" I ask holding up two dress options.

"First off, the right one, second off, it is not nothing or you wouldn't be attempting to change the subject." She had a point, that's one of the things I need to stop doing. When I'm uncomfortable with a conversation or don't want to share something, I change the subject.

"Fine, only so you'll stop bugging me, but you can't tell Mattheo." I say and she nods confusingly.

"I came in here to get my dress, because I was supposed to be getting ready with you in your dorm, and she was here." Astoria rolls her eyes.

"And I didn't want to start any fighting so I didn't answer her when she spoke to me. So she got mad at me and pinned me to the wall by my neck. Which is why I had a panic attack. I didn't know what was going to happen." I finally finished and Astoria sat there in shock, staring at the door.

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