-2- J.F.P

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"Ow! ¡Joder, Mamí!" Mi mamá was doing my hair. Ow.

"¡Idioma! Mantente quieto y no te dolerá, James."

It hurt.

"I am still!"



Just then, mi papá walked into the room.
"James, realmente tienes que empezar con esa ley, tienes que ganarte la confianza de la gente de Auradon".

I needed to come up with a law so that when I was crowned as king, the people of the USA, the United States of Auradon, trusted me to lead them. I was struggling.

"Sí, about that, tengo una idea."

Mi papá looked at me, waiting.

"So, what if we took the children from the isle, and gave them a chance at Hogwarts? We could-"

"¡¿Qué?! James, ¡Eso es peligroso!"

"They never did anything! ¡Fueron todos sus padres!"

"¡Sí! ¡Sus malvados padres, que los criaron! ¡Ellos también son malvados!"

Excuse me? That's stereotyping.

"Papá, ¡Por favor! ¡No son sus padres!"

He gave me an incredulous look,
"¿A quién quieres traer?"

"¡Estudiantes de secundaria! They deserve a shot at a fair life!"

I decided to start with the least "dangerous" kids and work my way up.

"I was thinking: Pandora Hatter,"

Mi padre hummed in approval.

"Marlene McKinnon,"

He seemed less happy about that.

"¿McKinnon? ¿Quieres que nos roben y vendan nuestros objetos de valor?"

"Papá," I continued
"Remus Lupin,"

"¡¿Lupin?! ¡Eso es un asesino en masa!"

"-'s child, Papá. ¡El niño es inocente!"

He grumbled in discontent.

"And lastly.." I braced myself.
"Sirius Black."

"¿Qué? ¡Absolutamente no!"
"¡No! No me importa si el niño es inocente, ¡no lo vas a traer!"

Too late.

"¡No! ¡Eso es definitivo!"
He stormed out.

I looked at my mamá.
"They're on their way."

"I know, Querido."

I sighed.
I'll deal with it later.

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