Chapter 4 - Questions answered

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The room fell silent for a moment, then grew noisy with questions from Sonic and Shadow, Silver being filled with joy and excitement, and Tails was also in the same boat with Sonic and Shadow with questions.

Silver clings onto Tia's arm " Tia, are you serious? I've moved up that far? Please don't be lying to me." She giggled, "Nope, not lying. You moved up and now you're going on a mission!"
Silver: "When?"
Tia: "Today. Right now. Thats why I'm here!"
Silver jumps a little, but then looks at the black and blue hedgehogs. "Are they coming to?"

Tia turned back to the group questioning what was going on. She must had forgotten she asked for them. She looked in between Silver and the confused group. Then turned her colleague, basically asking for advice on what to do. Coffee responded by shrugging his shoulders, leaving her to come up with a different plan that included them in it.

"Oh, Yes! Umm," She clears her throat, "Silver, your Recover Mission involves these two as well, so I hope you don't mind." Silver's ears droop a little. "Oh no, I don't mind."

Tia: "Good. Now, your Recover Mission. You are requested to go on a mission in a remote location. You need to gather research documents from a lab that's there. Some information we have says that lab was run by... let us just say... not so great scientist. We chose you, Silver, to go to this location and find even more important stuff that could have been missed. Hopefully these two hedgehogs will protect you and help you get the job done. We really don't highly encourage newly ranks to go on missions with outsiders. But, in the company's words, "This mission is highly important and highly dangerous". So, think you can handle it, my little hedgie?"

Well, that was an information dump. This sounded way more important than what Tia was letting on. Which only made Shadow, Sonic, and Tails growing more skeptical.

Sonic: "Really? Is that all? It seems so simple."
Shadow: "Too simple."
Tails: "You're sure no one else could do something like this?"

Silver turned to them and started shaking his head slightly. As if he wanted to say something at first but kept it to himself instead.

Tia rolls her eyes and scoffs, "Yes, I'm sure. Silver is our best candidate for this mission." She turns to Silver. "And get this. You'll be the first newly rank to go on a mission like this."
Silver: "REALLY!"
Tia: "YES! You going on this mission will not only gather new research but pave the way for other newly ranks to go on missions like this too."

Tia seems to be making a big deal out of something that sounds so dangerous for anyone. As if she knows of the danger and setting Silver in as some type of shield to take the damage while she and all the others sit back and watch.

Tails butted in trying to grasped at what Tia was trying to say. "W-wait! So, you want Silver to take charge in a mission with Sonic and Shadow to a remote, UNKNOWN, location. That could possibly be heavily dangerous and dealing with who knows what. To gather information for you guys?"

Tia shrugged and scoffed. "Of course," she remarked, not even turning all the way when answering the fox. "Now, Silver you leave today. I'll meet you and... these two at the dock. Where a boat will take you to the remote location. Got It?"

She hands Silver a note.

Silver: "Got it! I won't let you down!"

Tia walks over to Coffee and start leaving. Tia waving a goodbye to no other than Silver of course.

With Tia and Coffee...

"He better not." The jaguar grumbled. "We need that info." Tia patted him on the shoulder. "Coffee hush. We might not be that far from them."
Coffee: "I'm just saying—"
Tia: "Yes, I know Coffee, I know."


(Hope you Enjoyed)

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