Part 2

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March 2012:

Simone pulls up to the hospital, her standard routine.

She's tired of this but, she has to make sure she monitors her condition.

"Hello Simone, how are you today?" The nurse greets as she walks up to check in. 

"I'm alright Miss Grace, how are you?"

"Girl, you know, same old, same old. Working and blessed to see another day baby."

"That's good, how busy are you guys right now?"

"Not too busy at the clinic but, we're going through some changes with the doctor as he's retired."

"Dr. Billy Baker retired?" She says, shocked.

"He was tired girl, he said he needed to step away but, with medicine, it's always a part of you so, he might be back."

"Awwww man, he's the only one I trust."

"Well, we have a new doctor in his spot who's just as capable, you're in good hands. Now go have a seat and we'll call you back." Grace smoothes over, trying to ease her doubts.

She takes instructions and before she knows it she's called to a room. They do her weigh in's and check her blood pressure and all the standard medical procedure.

"Alright. The doctor will be in for you. Just give him a few minutes. He moves quick." The nurse running her vitals and everything leaves.

Simone pulls out her phone, figuring she might as well play a few levels of Candy Crush while she waits. She lays back and makes herself comfortable on the doctors table.

True to the nurses word the door is opened about ten minutes later.

"Hello, I'm sorry for the wait, I'm Dr. Baker and I'll be your new doctor." He says and chills run up her spine.

"Dr. Baker? I thought he retired." Simone questions, sitting up only to be met with the face from the emergency room three months ago.

"I knew your name looked familiar." He says, looking her up and down a sweet smile on his face.

"Are you an imposter?" She asks.

"Nah, I was just volunteering when you met me last. But, the previous Dr. Baker is my dad and seeing as this is his practice, passed down to next generation sort of thing."

"Okay, Dr. Baker, should you be telling me this? Isn't there some confidentiality clause that you're breaking?" She inquires.

"Not necessarily if we are going to be seeing more of each other. Plus, I'm new to you so, a little bit of my origin story can't hurt."

"Who says I'm going to continue with this practice as my treatment center?" She quips.

"Give me a chance, I'll make sure  you get the best treatment." He winks, smiling at her with pearly white teeth.

"Wouldn't that be considered favoritism? Shouldn't all your patients equally get the same treatment?" She asks jokingly.

"I deliver for all my patients Miss Hicks."

"Handing out special, it's gotten really unprofessional here since my last visit." She counters and he lets out a throughly amused laugh.

"So, cardiomyopathy? How long have you been dealing with that?" He asks, sitting on the stool in the room.

"A year or two now." She answers.

"Have you had aby flare ups or issues recently?" He asks.

"No, I tend to take it easy where I can. Outside of the typical shortness of breath and discomfort, I'm okay." She answers truthfully.

"And are you taking your meds?" He asks, actively listening.

"Yes, I take them religiously. Never miss a dose."

"Good, so you stick to the regimen. Some patients are harder to keep on the wagon so, I appreciate that."

"Yeah, well, I figured why risk my life further when it is on the line? You know?" She responds sarcastically.

"You can still have a long happy life." He responds, looking her directly in the eye.

His words feel weighted and the intensity of his eye contact is causing her mind to scramble.

"Yeah, well, I don't know if that's in my cards, Dr. Baker." She involuntarily admits her deepest insecurity.

"I will make it my personal mission to make sure that it is in your cards." He states leaning forward, his tone leaving no room for debate.

He's so handsome it's disarming for her to look at him so she turns her gaze to the posters on the wall.

She clears her throat and she hears him shuffling around.

"Can I have a listen to your heart?" He asks.

"Of course, you're the doctor." She answers softly.

He puts the stethoscope in his ears and places one hand on her back and places the chest piece on her heart.

He asks her to take a few inhales and exhale as well. She follows direction but, she's feeling anxious for some reason.

This is a routine thing for her but, it feels insanely intimate. As his hand moves the piece to different areas of her chest she a tingling sensation follows.

"Given the circumstances, you have a nice, strong, healthy heartbeat." He says softly, pulling the tool away.

"Thank you." She says, looking at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Hey, it's my job to keep you informed." He chuckles, putting his hands up.

"So, are you about done with me here?"

"Uh, yes ma'am, the nurse will come give you an overview and you should be on your way."

"Okay cool." She responds, nodding her head.

"For future reference, my name is Jordan. I do hope you come back, it'd be an honor for me to keep treating you here." He recalls her comment from earlier.

"Or, you just want my insurance money." She jokes and he laughs. The most beautiful smile gracing his face at her statement, it makes her already fragile heart skip a beat.

"You're quite funny Miss Hicks."

"You can call me Simone."

"Well in that case, Simone, I do hope to see you again."

"I don't know Dr. Jordan Baker, we shall see where the future leads us."

"If we're fated to continue crossing paths, then you will be correct." He says.

She wonders just how true his statement will end up being.


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