Part 3

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June 2012:

"I don't know Olivia. I'm kind of nervous to go back." She says, throwing her dart at the balloon, popping it and red paint splatters.

They just met about two months ago but, Simone has found herself growing really close to her in this short period of time.

She met her volunteering at the homeless shelter passing out meals. Simone was assigned the task of showing her the ropes.

Simone broke the proverbial ice by asking if she's being a good samaritan or if she's stuck here for community service.

From there she learned that Olivia has a family with a medical back ground. She took the route of becoming a lawyer. Sometimes she likes to just come and volunteer her time to those who need it.

Simone clicked with her instantly after finding out this information. These days they've been thick as thieves. Simone would even say they're tip toeing the line of best friends.

They vibe as if they've known each other their entire lives.

"Why not? You've had all this time to find another clinic." Liv's tone full of curiosity as she throws her dart.

"I don't know, Liv. It was weird, it felt...." She pauses in her speech, unsure of what she's trying to describe.

"What did it feel like?"

She mulls it over before finally coming up with an answer.

"Familiar. Everything about him just felt, known, not mentally but, in my spirit. It was strange." Simone explains, leaving out the fact that his curls and brown eyes have haunted her dreams frequently since they initially crossed paths.

"Maybe he's your soulmate in a past life. Sent to sweep you off your feet and try it again." Liv jokes, nudging her with her elbow.

"I'm not in the market for that type of madness in my life. My heart is enough of a baby for me to take care of." Simone rolls her eyes, groaning and throwing another dart.

"I know you love your roommate but even she's got her boyfriend around quite a bit. You deserve love too."

"Love can be temporary and fleeting, I've been down that route before." Simone says softly but bitter, her mind recalling Rome, the wound she refuses to reopen.

"Well, I just moved in with Spencer and it's as easy as breathing. We all need love and human connection Simone, even those of us who are a little more fragile than most."  Liv shrugs, sending another dart flying.

"Ew, I'm not fragile. I'm titanium level strong." Simone states in rebuttal, her tone childish.

"Okay, you've got it and you're absolutely right but, the point still stands." Liv reiterates.

"I guess you have a point but, I don't know, I think I'm still going to find another doctor."

"Well you might need to do that sooner rather than later."

"I think I will. Anyways, enough about me, tell me about you and Spencer." Simone changes the subject because she's a slight bit uncomfortable with the topic of her love life.

Olivia's face lights up, sufficiently distracted by the topic of Spencer. Divulging their future plans and how she couldn't see a future without him in it.

Simone listens attentively, happy to know that he friend is prospering in her love life.

Lord only knows its extremely difficult to find someone to stick by you. She's been dealt the shit end of the stick.

Rome taught her that even though you love someone, it's a necessity to love yourself more. She wasted two years of her life dating him, she got lost in him and what she thought was a good thing.

That was until she found out she had cardiomyopathy.

A week or two after sharing that information with him, he decided he wasn't ready for the sacrifice or changes that came along with her illness. So, he left her a voice-mail breaking up with her and blocked her.

To say he was a lesson learned would be an understatement. Now, all Simone makes time to get lost in, and take care of, is herself.

Her and Liv finish up their activity and depart for the day, promising to text each other when they're home safe.

-2 Days Later-

Sitting on the doctors table Simone is waiting. Her knee is bouncing, a tell tale sign she's nervous.

The door opens and she hears a gasp.

"Well, well, well. I'll be...I didn't run you off after all." Dr. Baker states, surprised to see her.

"You almost did but, I was too late to make another appointment so, I figured you'll do." She quips.

"I'm honored, I probably would've been lost if I never saw you again. Can you imagine, my first dropped client?"

"So, I guess this is like the beginning of our official doctor patient relationship?" Simone suggests.

"I guess you could say that, yeah." He agrees, giving a sharp nod.

"Don't get too comfortable now, I could still drop you." Simone jokes and he rolls his eyes, amusement written on his face.

"I don't plan on ever letting that happen." He states with steely resolve.

She stretches out her hand in formal greeting. He follows suit and wraps her hand in his.

The size difference is glaring and it almost causes her to giggle at how her hand if engulfed in his.

But, aside from that, she's feeling tingles all the way up her arm, beginning from where their hands are clasped. It serves to make her the slightest bit nervous at they shake hands.

She chooses not to shy away as she typically would though. Instead locking eyes with him before making her next statement.

"Well, looks like you and I are in it for the long haul Dr. Baker."

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