Bottling Emotions

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Chapter 7

I was now a murderer. That thought replayed repeatedly in my mind. When I finally returned from discovering my new taste in food, I was almost covered from head to toe in blood. The creature and I had a bit of a struggle but in the end I won. I won his life. My body felt heavy with pain and suffering, my bones felt like they were being pulled in new ways.

I dragged myself to our kitchen, where I knew my aunt would be pretending to casually read a Style Magazine, while I knew she was actually paranoid about my return, being that, it had been hours since I left.

I wasn't surprised to find her leaning on the island with a determined expression, the minute I had finally managed to get through our hallway she dropped the magazine, went over to the other side of the kitchen and began preparing dinner.

"Jelena, I thought that was you...did you want something to eat? "

Was she serious? I know she saw my tattered clothes and the blood spattered across my face so why is she pretending to not see what she saw??
Typical her. I try to open my mouth and speak all these things but I can't seem to move my jaw. It feels clamped shut. Every bone in my body feels twisted and wrong. My aunt continues to talk,her voice growing distant with each word. Then I see black spots and before I could do anything else I'm hitting the floor. Anger rising in my stomach I try to force the words out.

I realize what's happening. My aunt is forcing me to keep in all these emotions. The force to talk vanishes and I'm able to move my mouth enough to say, " Lorena, will you please tell me-" My words sound like I'm gargling water as she forces me to remain quiet again,but with more intensity. The effect my aunt has on me is too much for me to handle.
I can't breathe, spots cloud my vision and I'm afraid my aunt might kill me when suddenly, the pressure alleviates and Lorena says,
"Now, what do you want for dinner?"

I was pretty upset over the way she just nearly put me in a damn coffin so I said, "oh I don't know, how about rabbit?"

She seemed to understand what I meant then as her eyes widened held me at arms length. The fear was gone almost as quickly as it had come. I couldn't be sure if it had been there at all.
" Jelena, I think I know what happened to you tonight,but we can't talk about it-"

"Why can't we talk about it, I don't understand why you have to make this so much more complicated than it has to-"

"Its more than what you think it is. And besides I don't think your officially ready to know everything yet."

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