♡~Unexpected things~♡

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Chapter 4


  It basically killed me that night I had to break the news to Lena. She really was the torch of my path. She just didn't realize it yet.  I woke her up because Malcom Wright told me to. No, I don't do everything because he says so, but I learned a long time ago not to mess with that man. Even if he was my biological father he wasn't afraid to beat me within an inch of my life. He was that evil. I think mom would look down on him now. That is if she had of stayed around for my childhood. 

The stress I've carried is crippling my spirit. Before all of this started I used to be the smartest, Wittiest kid with jokes and laughter that was infectious. Since the discovery of my father's true business I haven't been that way. He experimented on me day after day the moment I had turned 9. That's when everything changed. My father had shown me who he really was. A memory I had tried so hard to suppress came fluttering back.

"Ahhhhhrghh! " I screeched, as the cold metal prods sent electric shocks throughout my body,causing internal bleeding that I could feel healing already.

"Son, I've got big plans, big!" Said Malcom.

Sweat stained my face as another jolt coursed through my entire body.


I stopped the memory with the shake of my head and calibrated breathing. Although, that didn't stop the memory that haunted me the most.

I looked into the glassy eyes of Jelena as I told her the truth about everything. I had had enough of my father controlling my life.

"I ...babe.. we this relationship was never supposed to last or even happen to me." The words came out barley audible through the shaking of my voice.

I barely had the time to react as she landed a punch to my stomach and kicked me in the shin with those grey Nike high tops that I knew she'd buy over and over again if she could.

"Lena I was ordered by my father to watch you-

"Watch. me? what?" Came her pain filled voice with each word.

" I-it was real. All of it just not the way you think...I had a mission. I had to get closer to you so you could handle your secret!"

I gritted my teeth trying to come off as the most insensitive bastard as I could to make this easier on myself.  It seemed to work because soon Lena was fighting me with all her might cursing and shouting.

"HOW. COULD.YOU.DO. THIS?!" she'd screamed.

" I had to but I have to explain everything later. That security guard was my father....he has a plan for you. when your other side comes out tonight he wants to be there! ... We have to go. Now!" I  had hoping she'd cooperate with me easily.

"I'm not going anywhere with you and I-"

She took off. I should have known she'd run. I took off shortly after I kept calling her name. She never looked back.

The last image I had of her was the tear stained face that I now stood in front of every single day since that night.

I ran after her in the darkness of the night pleading and hoping that she'd let me just hold her once more before I lost her forever.  I was pretty fast. I reached her and grabbed her as hard as I could preventing her from escaping into the darkness. 

She'd clawed and kicked and it didn't go unnoticed to my body. She was surprisingly strong. Then I remembered that she had that wolf side to her that gave her super strength.

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