♢The Transformation♢

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Chapter 5


It's official, today is the day that I will just fall and die, in the heap of nothingness that I am. All because, of the day I was told I had a curse upon me and my family. We are all part wolf.

Before you ask, yes, we can walk, and hear really well, but above all the really cool stuff we can do, we have to endure the worst thing of all which is, hunger and anger. We don't know how to control it.

Believe me when I say I've tried everything.

On the nights that we turn, three things have to happen.

1. There has to be a full moon.

2. The timing is always when it's after midnight

3. The pain of changing makes us require to be chained up, at the house, or crouch down, if we are in an open area.

The first time I changed, I had no clue what was happening at the time. I had been just coming home, from my midnight run and my body just started twisting and I immediately dropped to the ground in absolute terror. The pain spread through my entire body, as I was slowly turned inside and out, each bone in my body twisting and turning to form the shape of a wolf.

I remeber thinking; Great. Could this night get any worse? Mother nature sure does have perfect timing. That was what I had originally thought, because some cramps cause some girls to be admitted to the hospital.

Man, what I would've given for that to have been the reason I was suffering, only 3 doors and a hill from my home.
My Aunt, never told me about what the change would do. I wish she had instead of, locking herself in her room whenever I brought it up.

My mind was a jumbled mess, as I tried to drag myself home. As I pulled my ragged body down the hill, I became paranoid that this was truly the end; my heart exploding in my chest, my legs contorting in a new way...until it just stopped and the pain was nothing, but a memory.

I was left alone in the cold night as a wolf, who's hunger was skyrocketing with each breath. My teeth were razor sharp;everything was in hyperdrive. Every smell hit me a million times harder and every touch felt rougher or smoother.

My sight was able to detect every dot in the pavement, but the sense that beat out all of those was hunger. A hunger so deep that my mouth began to water. I didn't know what to do as it all came at me. All I knew was I had a thirst for blood, food, anything.

I padded alongside the hill and looked for a good hideout. Then I remembered there were woods up ahead by my friend Nais house. I pumped all four of my legs forward towards the end of the street and ended up colliding with a trash can.

Good grief, even as a werewolf I'm still clumsy?! Great, I thought. I decided to walk slowly but my hunger grew with each step so I sprinted down the rest of the hill and bolted to the woods.

Once there, I was ambushed with voices and thought. I whimpered the sounds creating a loud static in my head.

What the heck is that?! Cut it out! Geez. Can't a girl wait - Wolf just get something to eat?!

Calm down-

What? W-what was that? Jammie?

It's okay just breathe. You won't do anything stupid babe. I know it.

My brain was playing tricks on me and I knew I was beyond hungry when I started envisioning Jammie speaking to me like Bella envisioning Edward after he left for so long.

Jelly, I'm here. Pull your emotions together.

Okay now I'm sure your not real. I'm a freaking wolf Jammie. You can't be in my head. It's definitely just the hunger.

Jelly I really am here. I'll explain later okay?

What the hell? Jammie!-

I was cut off by the rustling of  some brush nearby. There was a medium sized rabbit munching on something.  The fury thing smelled so delicious, making my entire body shiver in delight.

My vision zeroed in on the creature ready to pounce. It's ears moved and I could tell it sensed me. Danger in the night. I crounched low, at the ready to devoir the poor thing.

How could I actually want to kill an animal so badly? It had to be the hyperdrive senses. This is crazy. The thirst drove me to jump upon the rabbit. My senses co trolling my every movement.

I broke its neck and sunk my teeth into its flesh, killing it slowly and painfully. The damn thing was in shock and struggled to get away from my jaws.

I sunk my claws into its stomach to hold it steady. It continued to squirm. I watched as it beady eyes change from shock to fear and finally its life getting sucked out of it and it is was all because of a monster that I couldn't contain.

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