☆For the first time☆

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   Chapter 1


    The day we met was oddly enough, the day we had just started high school and I may never forget the tall, squared black jaw and those broad black shoulders that seemed to go on for miles.
His curly, blackish brownish hair and oh, those moca eyes that literally seemed to shine, whenever he looked at me. Little did I know,that those eyes lit up for an entirely different reason; My misery and pain that would haunt me till my last end.

The cool night air rushed past me as I ran, as fast as my sprinters legs would allow me to go. I found myself often, dreaming of the day that I'd become noticed by my latest crush since forever. Even after he broke my heart.  I know girls should just suck it up and get over it, but well, he was the one that I just couldn't seem to get over. Jamison. Jammie for short,the one who knew me better than anyone else who might say they actually care about me...,or at least I thought.

  Back in the beginning of our budding friendship, Jammie and I, would always be seen together. He was there for me countless times, was my protector, against all odds. We met when I, oh so casually had just stepped full well into... a pile of embarrassment.  

Unfortunately, back then, me being at age 14, I still hadn't quite understood the function of legs and feet. So, I Jelena ,Cortes; the J pronounced as a y,had completely forgotten about how you move your feet to avoid certain problematic situations such as, the offending smell of dog shit, and a red dodgeball that seemed as if it were coming straight at me, but when being in a state of extreme terror, my brain acted in a completely different way from others, it seemed to make me immobile for a moment as if , it liked the thought of me being hurt or reeking of putrid smells.

Anyway, I was so excited that I completely forgot about needing to take my time when walking or else I'd end up face first on the pavement ,or worse in the crook of the smelliest kids armpit.

I was in a state of mind where, the main thing repeating in my head was, the fact that if I didn't move it, I'd be late on my first day.  As I rounded the corner in my brand new high tops, cherry red with the lines of them speckled with some white.
I walked as calmly as a new coming freshman could,but apparently not carefully enough because, I walked right into the finest guy in school Jake Evans Karinski.

Jake A.k.a. the most popular guy in school is tour typical bad boy with his smolder smile and deep ocean blue eyes with flecks of green in them when he did what he called ,"the Tilt". The tilt was when he tilted his head just to the side so, he made a girl think she was so special that, she was able to get lost in his eyes whenever he did it! It was beyond stupid to me,but even after I thought this, I still wished he would give me the tilt, just once.

  The point is, I was seen as an disgusting creature to him. He despised me where as, I in return and opposite hated, yet still held a soft spot for him even after he'd make me get a countless number of detentions.

The day I ran into his rock hard chest, I didn't even have a second to realize that I'd ran into him ,before suddenly I was falling , my books, my everything, had been strewn across the floor,and I noticed a large circle was forming. The eyes, full of pure joy and hatred as they planned their evil attack.
Remember how I mentioned earlier that my brain freezes my senses for long moments when in fear?
Right. Well, as you can imagine this was one of those moments, the moment I was scrambling for my things, I saw the glint in Jakes' eye. The one that told me to run,and suddenly, I saw movement, coming from the general right.

It was this tall,about 6"3, black guy with chocolate colored skin and eyes that were the color of a Hersheys' bar, deep brown that, I wanted to tell everything to.

He had come over at the exact moment when, Jake seemed ready to give me another lesson on who ran the school. I laid there crouched in utter embarrassment as I heard Jake shout, "Hey guys look it's little Jelly or, should I say jelly rolls?"

Yes, I was a little overweight, but I didn't have rolls! Jerk.

"Your a dumb little shit! " I retorted. 

"Look who finally got the idea to speak up Mouse?" He said with false curiosity.

Back then, I was quiet, never really spoke much to people. Before I had the chance to go and kick his teeth in, Jamison, the new kid to everyone else, but my neighbor for as long as I could remember,but had never spoken to, walked right up to Jake Karinski and punched him square in the jaw! 

The crowd went balistic, because poor Jake, his perfectly fine face had been ruined, with a black eye,and a bruise on his jawline.  What Jammie had said next would forever be what made us stay intact for so long.

" I'm yours forever kid"

Then he smiled, the smile that melted every fiber of my being and made me want to jump into his arms which is, exactly what I did. His moca eyes searched deep into mine, as his smile grew bigger, and I was blinded by his lopsided smile that showed all of his perfect teeth. The smile I would later come to know was, what he did whenever he had something evil in the works.

I had been so naive to think he had meant those words. I was foolish. He had his plan in the works before he had stepped up to be my protector.

The boy I knew as Jammie didn't really exist, or so it seemed. He was always sweet, and kind with the sexiest smile I had ever seen. The only thing that helped keep me sane during the bullying and constant hate, was him. We were on our way to the bus stop when he grabbed my wrist, and just hugged me out of nowhere. 

"What did I do to deserve you?" he said, his smile growing bigger.

"I think you like beat up my bullies, remember? " I said talking like a sterotypical blonde girl.

"Yeah, I do. Then I said that cheesy line. How did it go again? I'll-"

"I'm yours forever kid!" I finished before he butchered it again.

"Yeah, that will always be true,Jelly. "I always hated the way Jake called me that, but whenever Jamison said it, I got all giddy.

We held hands and then got on the bus. People looked at us and said, " Wow, they are a really good couple. " but little did they know, it was all an act. Jammie's dad had insisted that we keep up the whole relationship thing,because it would draw us from suspicion.

I just wished it was real again,or was it ever real?  Jammie says it was,but I don't know what to believe anymore. 

Chapter 2

Jelena was so innocent looking, that I couldn't help but feel like I had to protect her, even if my father hadn't put me up to it, to get inside her head. The moment I saw that dumb Jake Karinski meat head taunting her, made my blood boil. I didn't even realize what I was doing, until my feet started to move and my fist connected with his eye and then again with his jaw and then twice more to his jaw.

I turned, and saw that Jelena had been watching the whole thing play out as if it were a show, she couldn't stop watching.  I don't know why, but when she looked at me with those hazelnut eyes, the need to say something that'd make an impression on her completely took over, and so I unwillingly said, "I'm yours forever kid."

If I had had the time I would have came up with something that I would remember forever, and that was way better than that trash. I guess it worked, because soon after, she was running over to me and giving me a huge bear hug. I looked down into her eyes and smiled my killer smile the one that I had used with every lady I had ever come in contact with. I had her then. hook. line. and sinker.

I had actually done it. As a new wave of joy spread over me, so did my smile. Jelena just gazed into my eyes and clung on to me as if, I were her anchor. Suddenly, I realized that as my world flipped upside down that, I truly didn't want her to get hurt, but it was too late.

I looked into her eyes and saw that they kinda resembled mine. Dark, filled with a sort of anamalistic side to them and I knew her secret then.

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