Chapter 1

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Beth's pov

Yay! Back to school tomorrow. (I'm really just being sarcastic here people.)
Ugh. Another year with that asshole. Hopefully we don't have any of the same classes together. Please. I just beg for him not to be anywhere near me.

"Beth! Wake up! You're gonna be late!"

"I'd rather die than go back to that hell hole" I whisper sleepily

"What was that? " my mom asked as she walked through my room door. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Aah school. I can't wait to go back" I reply sarcastically. Clearly she heard my previous statement but chose to ignore it.

"Breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes" she sing-songed as she exited my room. The smell of pancakes making my stomach growl even more than it usually I must be really hungry then.

I quickly got ready for school and made my way downstairs to be greeted with a back-to-school breakfast. My mom says it's tradition to give your child back to school breakfast for good luck. Good luck? Seriously? I'm not seven years old anymore. I'm almost 17 and you think I believe in good luck. The only luck I'll be getting is if that ass is all the way in Antarctica, thousands of miles away from me.

Breakfast was amazing as usual and my brother, being the slob that he is, gets rid of most of his food in one bite. I don't understand boys, not one bit.

"Hey mom. My friend is picking me up for school so don't worry about me" he says and makes his way out the front door stumbling down the porch stairs. Then, just as he was about to make it, he face-plants and groans in pain.

Maybe just maybe, this day is turning out to be better than I'd thought.

"Oh my god Jake!" I crouched down at his side not even attempting to hide my laughter.
"is the floor okay?" I asked, chuckling as he looked up at me just to put his head back down and groan in pain.

"Don't just stand there and laugh. Help me up!" He yelled. Tears streaming down my face as I helped him up. Even the neighbours were laughing.

"You just brightened up my day" I laughed as he looked at me annoyed and slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah, whatever, finding the fun in someone else's misfortune" he groaned rubbing his forehead.

I ran back inside chuckling softly to myself as I grabbed my backpack and the keys to my car. Not forgetting to say goodbye to my mom before I left.

I turned up the radio and listened to some All Time Low as I drove. 20 minutes later I pulled up into the school gates and parked my car in the partially empty parking area. I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way through the school doors and to my locker.

I emptied out my bag, putting all the things I needed in and the rest in my locker.

"Hey beth!" My best friend Val startled me.

"Are you crazy!" I whisper yelled at her as she hugged on to me tightly. Too tight for comfort.

"Can't. Breathe . suffocating. Me" I choked out.

"Sorry." She apologised and hugged me normally.

Valerie, Val for short, is non other than the joker in our little group made up of four girls. Valerie, Mary, Maddie and me.

Valerie loves joking around. She's the life of the party like everyone says, and she has killer looks too. Tan skin, brunette with dip-dyed blue hair and blue eyes, 5'6. She's every guys dream. Then there's Mary. Cheerleader, perfect body, dirty blonde, blue-eyed and has moves that could kill, and is currently dating non other than....... My brother. Ewww just No. Oh Maddie. Maddie always has her head in her books. I bet she's read every single Nora Roberts book you can find and I'm not even gonna mention her obsession with the Harry Potter series. We, as In Val, Mary and I are pretty much muggles in her eyes, but she's one of the sweetest, most down to earth people you could ever find, she has looks that could kill but always turns down any guy that she comes across, but you don't want to piss her off. She's the sass monster so I'd rather stay away from 'sass monster Maddie' cause she can use words in ways you'll never understand. And then you get me; 5'5, dark hair, dark eyes, pretty average if u ask me. I'm nothing compared to Val, Mary and Maddie. They are my deffenition of perfect and then I'm the one wearing band tees and vans. But i love my girls. They've been with me since my first day at Woodlands High. The very first day I met Mr. Hayden black.

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