6. Family dinner

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"GODDAMMIT she has already beaten your ass up Alex" my older brother Theodore said and my middle brother jasper laughed at me.

"I'm ready to make her my sister-in-law" jasper says

"Me too" Theodore laugh

I'm regretting telling my brothers how she punched me and went from there leaving me in pain, I swear to God I hate that woman so much I can't believe how can she punch me well I was just asking where she was going she's such a spoiled brat I've ever seen

"Go and get some more tissue your nose is bleeding very brutally" Theodore laughed

"Come on guys you should be concern about me not laughing at me and cheering my bratty wife" I yelled

"Woo look he has already made her his wife" jasper taunted

"I was saying my fiancé" I glare at jasper

"Well, she got guts to punch my brother---alexander Evans CEO of wealthiest company and group she has an ability to punch" Theodore says

"she's such a spoiled brat" I said

"Well, we can see that" jasper pointed at my broken nose

"Can we please leave this topic and can we talk about how I will come to family dinner like this" I showed them time it was 6:56pm

"You can't go there looking like a joker" jasper giggled

"You can't even tell mom and dad that soon to be your wife punched you" Theodore serious gazed fix in my broken nose

"We should fix this asap" jasper said with a sigh

"We can't fix this but we need to make a pacific reason to tell them because I know this nose isn't going to fix" Theodore smiled

Yes he was surgeon so I should listen to his advice

Time skip~

Ienter my parents' penthouse, Theodore was coming with his wife Diana, theperfect couple Theodore left our family business because of his dream of being a surgeon and he wanted to start a family not business----well if we look at my middle brother jasper he wasn't interested in business and all he was artist in new York and I was the only one who was here to continue my family business I don't want to ruin my families name and I'm a heir of Evans blood.

We don't run from our problem; we face it without any fear that's why we are EVANS but my brothers don't understand they all just wanted to ruin their life but I can see at least they were happy with their life.

"Where is Theo and jasper?" mom asked while arranging the dinning table but wait there were more 4 chairs why?

"Lockwood's are also coming?" I asked

"Yes there to have a family dinner" as sudden voice came from behind it was father

"But it was a family dinner?" I question

"They're also a part of our family you're getting married to Kelly's daughter alexander and this is our formality" he smiled

Theodore entered with Diana and jasper I chose not to speak because I know I will regret every word ill say now

"Wait-what happened to your nose alexander" mom cupped my cheeks I looked at Theodore with widen eyes

"What happened son?" dads asked

"I was with kai in boxing ring like usual" I lied I repeated the words Theodore said to me to say everyone.

"We have told you many times no boxing Alex" mom caressed my nose

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