8. Valhalla

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~Sonakshi POV-

Everywhere I looked, I saw an explosion of different colors, textures and fabrics.

I'd been visiting the same New York market since I was here, it was a treasure of inspiration and one of kind items, cute mugs for my coffee, this is best place to visit, when I needed to clear my head.

But today, however I can't clear my head neither of these things are helping me.

No matter how hard I try, I couldn't shake the memory of alexanders mouth on MINE!!!

The softness of his lips. The heat of his body, his scent and his self-assured of his hand on my hips

It was infuriating.

There'd been a moment when I'd LIKED Alexander, though I hate him with all mind, heart.

After the photoshoot, there was something unsettling about coming home everyday to a silent spotless house, where I was lonely.

He already made things clear but-

"we've been to this stall already" Jessica said

"hmm" she came to New York after our photoshoot to visit me and she had some work here so here I'm with my best friend roaming.

"This stall we've been to this stall already" she repeated "you bought a heart design mug" I blinked as I remembered we have visited every store here, she was right. It was the first vendor we'd visited when we arrived

"sorry" I removed my scarf with a sigh "I'm bit of my mind today"

I'm too busy thing about my jerk fiancé

"Really? I couldn't tell "Jessica's teasing smile fade away as soon as I didn't return it.

"what's wrong?" she asked

"I just have a lot things in my mind" I wanted to Jessica about the photoshoot but there's nothing to talk about it, alexander and me had just kissed for 20 second that's all.

I wasn't lying, my new social obligation as the soon to be Mrs. Evans and my many to-dos lists for the wedding, I have lost my mind;

"Are we done or we have to take all shops at home" I laughed

"Yeah let's go" she wraps her around my hand as we walked out of the market.


I came back and there was no one except servant, we both eat the ice-cream that was in the fridge

I smiled at Jessica's experience in Bali with her parents and boyfriend.

Tonight was my official debut as alexanders fiancé.

As we did our engage as a private that didn't count;

"I should go now it getting late and my hotel is very far and we have to go through an alley first so I should go" she stood up as I hugged her and saw her going.

I sigh, as I knew I was all alone now I have to get ready

Alexander said he will come soon, let see what we have to wear tonight.

I took a deep breath, recheck my reflection in the mirror and applied a bold red lipstick for confidence and courage.

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