13. Betrayal

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After alexander broke down my door, I had no other option than staying over at his place. It's been 5 days we've been staying in together; I was staying in guest because I can't take any risk for further things.

After we kissed so intensely, we barely talked in these 5 days, as he's busy in his work and I'm busy in mine.

Now I was in the café sitting with Jessica, she needed to talk about something important, I never seen her this much nervous and serious. It was already 9:04pm but I also wanted to listen what she wanted to say so here we are.

"We need to talk" Jessica sips her ice mocha latte

I nod, as I waited for my drink I've ordered vanilla iced latte

"I'm all ears" she was looking down and fidgeting on her finger

"Promise you won't be mad at me?" she looked at me

"I won't be mad unless you say the thing jess" I looked at the waitress putting my drink on the table and walking away

"Me and Sebastian broke the engagement" I almost chock on her words.

What did she just say? Broke the engagement? How? Some question ran through my mind

"Is everything okay?" I pressed my finger harder on the cup as I sip

"I broke the engagement" this was shocking

"why" I put my cup away

"I need to tell you something it's important" she hold my hand

My anxiety builds up, what she wanted to tell me

"I am listening" I give a squeeze to her finger

"This is complicate Sonakshi this happened so quick I didn't got time to tell you" She sigh "I am dating someone else and I cheated on Sebastian and broke the engagement"

My eyes filled with concerned, why would she do things like this.

She wasn't the Jessica I knew she was; she was changed something was off, the feeling grew up. Jessica used to love Sebastian that much that she left her own country to stay with him, why would she cheat on me? My blood ran cold.

"You cheated?" my eyes filled with disappointment

"Yes, I love some else" she says "its complicated Sonakshi"

"don't tell me this bullshit jess you can't do this you loved him that you left your own country for him and now you're saying you cheated on him I don't believe this bullshit" I yelled

Everyone in café looked at us, I lowered my head

"I know this was worst decision I made" Jessica eyes filled with tears

"Cheating is a choice jess" I scoff

"I am with someone else now" I clenched my fist

This wasn't my Jessica, my Jessica would never do this, she was changed now.

"Who?" I starred at her with my cold eyes

"me" I noticed the person standing behind us

My breath stopped for min, it was

Reyansh Singhania

"I'm sorry for interrupting woman's" Reyansh sat beside her and let out a small laugh

He still has those marks on his face, after I told alexander to stop he ran away like coward, I thought I would never see him again.

"Why are you here" I asked as I looked at them both sitting

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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