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"Oh my days Ken, hurry up we have been waiting in the car for so long, why do you literally take forever" Marcel complained as he walked up the stairs of her house.

"I'll be right there Marce just give me a minute, dammm can't a girl look cute"Kenzie said as she rolled her eyes

Today was the day she was going to tell Trent, tell him her feelings, no one knew about this cause she knew they would try and talk her out of it because "they didn't want to see her heart break, because of Trent" but what's the worst that could happen?

"We're literally just going to Trent's game nothing special about seeing sweaty man run back and forth on a field for 90 minutes" Marcel continued annoyed

"See that's where your wrong marce, there is something very special about that" Kenzie winked at Marcel before laughing and grabbing her bag and walked out of her room

"Hurry up Marcel we're gonna be late" Kenzie yelled up to Marcel

"Oh so now you wanna rush" Marcel mumbled as he followed after her

"What did you say" Kenzie turned back to him

"Nothing, nothing he said with the biggest smile on his face

Kenzie just shakes her head and walked towards the car, she greeted Tyler and his wife Olivia.

The group made there way to the game and entered at the back were friends and family usually go though, as they all made their way to their seats, Marcel and Tyler went to get food and drinks for the group before the game would start.

Kenzie and Olivia both engaged in conversation before Tyler and Marcel had just come back with food and drinks just as the game was kicking off.

"Guys I'm gonna tell him today" Kenzie blurted out as she took a sip of her drink

"Ken" the three said sympathetically at the exact same time causing Kenzie to lift her eyebrows as she turned to them.

"I know what you are all gonna say, Ken we don't wanna see you get your heart hurt, but just just wanna get it off my chest atleast after 6 years I think it's fair I mean what's the worst that could happen" Kenzie let out as the three just nodded their heads

But little did Kenzie know the worst was yet to happen

During the game Kenzie couldn't keep her eyes of this girl that was in the friends and family section, she had never seen her before, she knew all the players wife and family, but she had never seen her before them. She was beautiful, long blonde hair perfectly curled she had piercing blue eyes.

After the game ended with a win for Liverpool, they were allowed to to go on the field, as the group were making their way down to the tunnel, the same girl that Kenzie saw barged passed her almost making her fall, luckily Marcel had just caught her in time.

They both shared a look of confusion but Kenzie told him to just to forget about it "she is probably rushing to give her man the sloppiest kiss, just to show off to the whole world her man is a football player" Kenzie said as she rolled her eyes earning a loud laugh out from the three.

As they reached the field Kenzie ran ahead of Tyler and Olivia as she saw sight of Trent

In that moment Kenzie's whole heart broke into a million pieces, there stood the man she loved, kissing the same girl that barged past her, she was literally eating his whole face. Kenzie quickly turned around began walking back into the tunnel, she bit her lip as she felt the hot tears threatening to fall any moment.

"Ken, you okay" Tyler said as himself, Marcel and Olivia stopped her as they noticed her eyes filled with tears

"I didn't know Trent was the one she was gonna give the sloppy kiss to" kenzie said while pouting her lips as wipes her tears "ahh I'm being so stupid"

The all pouted at the girl before giving her a big group hug, the group noticed that Trent had finally spotted them and made his way with the girl he was making out with.

"Hey guys, this is Hannah my girlfriend" Trent said giving them the biggest smile

Hearing those words come out of Trent's mouth felt like knifes in her heart, Tyler, Marcel and Olivia shot their heads towards Kenzie, watching her every move.

"Hey I'm Kenzie, Trent's friend" Kenzie said extending her hand out to shake the girls hand

"Best friend" Trent said while smiling down at Kenzie

"Ha yeah best friend" Kenzie smiled as she could feel the lump in her throat as she said that.

Marcel, Tyler and Olivia introduced themselves to Hannah, it began to get awkward between all of them but like a knight in shining armour Virgil yelled out to Kenzie

"Little Ken it's been so long since I have seen you" he said as he approached the group

"Hey virg, yeah it's been so long" she said as she went in to hug Virgil

As the pair engaged into conversation she couldn't help but stare at Trent as he talked to Hannah, she could tell that she wasn't for Trent , she always looked so uninterested in whatever Trent was saying.

"So when are you gonna tell Hannah to leave your man alone" Virgil said while smiling down at Kenzie

"What do you mean" Kenzie said while giving Virgil a fake smile "that's her man, and I don't like Trent like that" Kenzie said as the same lump formed in her throat.

"Come on Ken the whole world can tell that you and Trent are endgame, he might not notice it but the way you look at him literally shows your in love with him and you can't lie to me, Big virg knows everything" he said to her

Kenzie just laughed and shrugged it off, but Virgil's words were now in engraved in her mind. Were her and Trent really endgame

"How long have they been together" Kenzie said trying to change the topic

"A few months, maybe like 3 months" Kenzie nodded as she told Virgil she was gonna head inside the tunnel no as she could feel the tears threaten to fall any moment now.

Heartbreak Girl// Trent Alexander Arnold Where stories live. Discover now