Chapter 4

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tw:child abuse

i hate going back home, my parents are so fucking shitty!! i just wanna run away!! they are always mean and yell at me and hit me!!

i entered the house

"WHYRE YOU SO LATE, REPUTATION!!" my dad yelled loudly at me
"i-i'm no-not" i stuttered
"i was just doing something after school for like one minute"
"ARE YOU TALKING BACK?!!" he walked up to me, smelt the alcohol and cigarettes in his breath
"n-no! im sorry!"

he got really angry at me 'lying', then punched me in the face
"im sorry" i winced and teared up
"YOUR FUCKING PATHETIC!!" he grabbed my wrist tightly and i felt like my hand was gonna get chopped off, i cried and he threw me on the ground and i hit my head

he kicked my stomach and i groaned and i looked at his angry face, i was so scared of him, my own father and my mom wasnt home

"please, stop... i promise i wont be late ever again!" i cried

he slapped me across the face and i winced in pain and begged him to stop till he finally stopped and i scurried off to my room, scared.

i wish i was with my friends and not my dad!
i need someone. desperately.

i texted midnights, she's the only one that knows. but not in details




can i come over?

sure, why what's wrong

"i just really need someone right now

okay, thats okay!

okay, thank you, i love you <33

love you more

my mom finally had came home, so i told her that dad hit me again and she got angry but couldn't really do anything, but she said she will try.

"anyway, mom. can i go to midnights house?"
"thats okay, rep"
"i'll be back soon!"
"okay my love" i kissed her cheek and left to go back to my room.

i went and got dressed, i wore a long sleeve black shirt with jeans, and my wavy hair was put down, and i took my phone in my pocket

i jumped out my window, and i slid of the roof, my room wasn't exactly up one story but there was like a 4 step staircase up to me and my brothers room, so i just jumped out the window

i landed then i walked for like a minute
then i knocked on her door and she smiled and met me in

"hello" i said to her parents
"hello rep!" they knew me since i came a lot

midnights then took my hand and we went to her room, we layed on the bed and snuggled eachother like we normally do

"what happened?" she sat down next to me on the bed
"i got home from school, my dad yelled at me because i was late, i was only 5 minutes late though..."
"that's not the full story.. is it?"

i shook my head

"continue, tell me it's okay."
"i explained to him that i was 'late' because evermore was sitting on the ground so we took her to her house on the way but he just got mad and he grabbed me from my shirt and he-"
i couldn't continue as i started crying

she hugged me tightly

"he pushed me to the floor and he kicked my stomach, he kept kicking me and punching me everywhere! and my everything hurts"
i cried in her shoulder
"are you bruised?"she asked
"can i see?"

i showed her some of the bruises and the vulnerable look on my face that only she sees

midnights pov

i feel so bad for rep, her dad abuses her and she can't call the police or anything, her dad might literally kill her. and her mother can't exactly do anything, hes fucking crazy and i just wanna keep
rep safe and sound from all the bad things in her life

"my poor baby", i cooed her, snuggling her closer
"im sorry that i always come to you when something happens, its just everyone thinks im so tough so they wont take me seriously and juat think why i dont fight back and no one will like me because im weak" rep ranted and i listened to everything she said

i sat up straight and patted on my lap, rep put her head on my upper thigh and i started slowly caressing her hair to calm her down

"my poor baby, i wish you could be with me all the time and i can protect you from anything bad"
"i love you, mid. your the best"
"i love you more rep"

reputations pov

after a bit of us just calmly staring at eachother, while she strokes my hair, which feels very comforting, i really love her.

we both layed down properly on the bed, my head on her chest and her arm on the other side was scrolling on tiktok and we stayed like that for about 2 hours, with some talking

"its getting late, mid. im gonna go home"
"okay my love, get home safe."

i left through her front door, i walked to my house and i climbed up to the window and got to my room, i was in my pajamas anyway so i just brushed my teeth and went to bed

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