chapter 8 (not edited yet)

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*after school ofc*

"lover, when and where?" i ask
"i don't know... my parents are home so..."
"i know where, but we have to go now"
"okay" she grins

i take her hand, but first i tell midnights and speak now that im going home with lover, they didn't get sad about it because they know that we're hooking up, it's not like the first time.

"come on" she follows me

on the way there we kept talking about random things

"no but the- wait?" she stopped in her tracks
"don't you need to get hard?"
"how will you do that?"
"i'm just asking!!"
"well if you saw my naked body, would you get wet?"
"then if i saw your naked body i'd get hard"
"oh yeah you got a point, but im not exactly what would make you hard..."
"you are."

lover blushed hard

when we got to my grandmas house i unlocked the door

"come," i lead her to the room


"already? woah we haven't even started!"

she chuckled,

"i know your insecure miss. archer, so i know how to do this without anyone seeing anything from each other, deal?"

"okay, lead the way captain" she says

"close your eyes and undress"

she closed her eyes and took off her clothes, i did the same

"disclaimer: since i wont see your body so i wont get hard, you have to stroke a bit"

she opened her eyes "it doesnt matter if u see my body or no- WOAH WHAT THE FUCK!" she said as she looked at my massive penis

"i told you"

"whatever, please go easy"

"i'm gonna go do something, one second"

i stepped out the room, i locked the front door and i locked the windows and closed the blinds,
i came back and i found her bended over the bed and texted someone on her phone.

"already in position?" i asked while i entered her.

"oh fuck! do you have a condom on?"

"yup, don't worry"

i do rocked my hips back and forth, only putting in 4 out of 9 inches but she was already a moaning mess

"ahh~ your so big! please fuck me faster! i need it!" she begged

i slowly thrusted in the rest of my cock in her tight cunt, she was moaning so loudly, i was letting out little whimpers and whines.

"your so big rep!"

"i would've thought you would call me mommy, and you will."

"fuck mommy! please i want it harder!"

i went really hard, my balls kept hitting her, making her stimulate even more

"i'm gonna cum!"

"no you won't!"

"please mommy! i need too! it hurts!"

"aww poor baby!" i cooed sarcastically

after another 2 minutes i allowed her to cum

"FUCK!!" she moaned as she released

"do you need a shower?"

"already..? i thought we would.. do more?"

"needy whore" i mumble, making her a bit sad

i went and grabbed a sharpie out of her pencil case from her bag, i came back and wrote
"cum slut"
on her right ass cheek

"what did you write?"
"find out yourself"

i pushed her to sit on the bed, i started licking her folds, obit on one of them, causing her to wince in pain and pleasure

i took out my tongue and i put it in her hole

"fuck! your so good!"

i started to make circles and to tounge tricks

"mmmh! fuck!"

i kept going for a minute till she came all over my tongue

"good girl" i told her and she folded

"let's get you all clean" i said carrying her to the bathroom, i put some soap on my hands and rubbed it on her, then i took the water and i rinsed her off

"thank you rep"
"no problem"

after that she put on her clothes and then i took her home

"why didn't you take your back pack so you can go back home?"
"oh, i kinda ran away, ask midnights if you wanna know why because i need to go back so i can study and shit"

"okay" she says trying to sound casual, but she was so confused and concerned

i took her to her parents house then i knocked and they opened the door

"sorry miss. love and, our teacher told lover to help me catch up with some school work. i'm sorry for bringing her late."

"oh that's okay! don't worry, she texted us and told us!"

so that's who she was texting...

"i have to go now! bye bye!" i left and lover entered her house.

i went back to my grandmas house

lovers pov

i texted midnights

"is rep okay? she told me she ran away"
"did she tell you to ask me?"
"well basically her dad is like the worst person ever"

i raised my eyebrow at the message

"why? what does he do?"
"so basically he's a homophobe, zionist, rapist, abusive and an alcoholic. he makes rep starve sometimes too, he hits and hurts her over every little thing, that's why she's always aggressive. he did something else i can't exactly say, he is just an awful person over all"

i felt so bad for rep, this is why she was always so aggressive and mean... also overprotective.. gosh...

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