chapter 7

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after a bit i woke up to my alarm, and groaned. my back hurt so much from the bed, but hurts less then my dad i guess..

i got up and brushed my teeth, but i was NOT about to wash my face with that soap thats probably older than me

i took my backpack and i went to school, i didn't eat breakfast since the items in my grandmas fridge are at least 11 months expired.

i was gonna go to the store but i didn't,
maybe its better i don't eat.

"rep, rep, rep" lover came up to me
"what, what, what!! calm down" i
"okay so basically someone is making rumors that midnights slept with harry"
"WHAT?! WHO?!!"
"who what?"
"who made the rumor dumbass"
"oooh, adam"

i looked at her wide-eyed, ADAM?! my ex-friend.
i was really mad, because when we were friends he kept making fun of midnights, it's partially why we stopped being friends.

"What did you say about midnights, now? you pathetic bitch?"
"That slut? yeah she fucked harrry."
"NO SHE DIDN'T, harrys fucking gay anyway!"
"i saw what i saw! your friend is a prostitute!!"
"No shes fucking not, dickwad!"

i got really angry, i clenched my hand into a fist and my mind went blank, i swung my arm and punched him in the face and he put his hand on his face, before he could even think, i kicked him in his dick, i then pulled him off the floor by his hair to make him get off and he ran away
"PUSSY!" i shouted

i turned around, rolling my eyes and i saw midnight's looking at me

"why did you to all of that???!"
"what do you mean? it's not like the first time"
"well yeah, but it wasn't even that bad, barely anyone believes him"
"yeah your right, honestly i just wanted to hurt him, he's annoying as fuck"
"true, true"

i went up to her,
"midnights, i gotta tell you something"
"whats up?"
"look, don't tell anyone but yesterday i ran away from home, i went to my grandmas old house"
she smiled at me and hugged me

"thats pretty random, rep. but im so proud of you!!" she tried to smile but kind of hesitant

my eyes widened a little, because no one ever had told me that they were proud of me before"
"i gotta go get my stuff"
"okay bye rep"

i went back to my locker to take my books and lover giggled at me

"girl, it wasn't even that bad"
lover was about to say anything but she just bursted into laughter, and i understood she was laughing about something else

"wait, wait, wait, girl what happened"
lover just pointed at adam, who had pee running down his leg, i saw and we both bursted into laughter, then the bell rang, we had a class together but anyway we were still laughing but calming down

the teacher asked for the homework and i had forgotten to do it, lover knew that and she started laughing

"girl fuck off"
"i would fuck you off" she whispered-ish
"oh yeah? but your so innocent, don't even"
"well, can an innocent girl not even get a little?"
"talk about little, your fingers"
"oh my gosh leave my fingers out of this why do all of yall come at my fingers, i get that they are short, shut uppp"
"okay, i just want class to finish before the teacher kills me by now"
"sucks to suck"
"fuck off slut"

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