chapter 6

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i didn't really do much at school today, i came back walking home with midnights and speak now, like usually. even if something did happen today, honestly i couldn't tell because speak now was wearing a really tight shirt, and fuck.

the three of us were talking about the most random shit, not suprising.

"okay but like if you were a chipmunk, you would have like baggy cheeks" speak now
"well, for one were not chipmunks..." midnights raised her eyebrow
"okay yeah but like" speak now rolled her eyes
"to be honest i don't know how they dont have baggy cheeks but they stuff like so much shit in their mouth"
"you get pu-" i cut her off
"BITCH" i pushed her playfully

we kept talking about shit and being little idiots till we got home, we all waved eachother off and left to go to out homes.

i got home, thankfully my dad was asleep on the couch, and of course, he had a bottle of alcohol with him. how shocking.

i just got upstairs to my room, i put my bag off on my shoulders, i threw it next to my desk and i started undressing, i took off my shirt, and put on my pajama shirt, then i took off my pants and groaned slightly, because i had a boner.

i put my pants on trying to ignore it but i was scrolling on instagram and saw speak now's instagram, its her random acc where she posts her face and random shit, who doesnt have one of those?

but other then that, she looked so fucking sexy, and hot, shes my friend, why am i thinking about her like this..? but shes just so fucking hot.

i sighed and put my phone on my counter, i pulled down my pants and boxer's, but i didn't take them off of me.

i would have not took my pants off and just masturbate, but i have a cock, so yeah.

i wrapped my hand around it stroking it softly,
i caressed it with my thumb, i was making soft gasps every now and then, but they weren't necessary, i just wanted to let them out.

i knew i wouldn't cum so fast, i started stroking faster, not getting any louder though.
"mhm...." i just layer there, stroking it for a little while, i rubbed my tip with my thumb to make a bit more stimulation.
soon, i came all over my hand, i pulled my boxers and pants up and got out of my bed to the bathroom and washed my hands.

i decided i would take a shower, i got undressed, and took off my hair tie, i put on the water a bit hot in my shower, i then got inside, i relaxed into the warm water, i took a normal shower, first washing my body, shampooing my hair, then adding some conditioner. of course i was singing while holding my bottles.

when i rinsed my hair i got out the shower, i started brushing it and adding my hair cream in to it, then i just tied it and out on new pajamas
it was a bit curly, but i didn't really care.

i got out the bathroom, sat on my bed, i was about to get on my phone then i heard my dad call my name, and i gulped hard.

i left my room and went to him, scared what he wanted, probably to hit me.

"yes" i turned around, a bit scared
"did you let kids bully your brother?!" he said and gave me a death stare

"what?, i didn't know anything happened to him and he has a lot of friends... im confused because nothing happened today..." i tried to act casual and calm but i knew we would hit me.

"so what!!! you should look after him!!" he growled

i had enough of his shit, i was getting abused for fucking 14 years. i hate him. i hate this. i just wanted to cry, but i never cry.

"well i didnt know, its not my fault!!" i said back, i regretted it the second a word came out of my mouth.

shit, shit, shit, shit.
i'm dead.

"DONT EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!" he got angry, he got up from the couch and went over to me, he slapped my face as hard as he could, it turned red and before i could render anything he punched my stomach, i doubled over in pain and groaned, he then pushed me on the wall very hard.

the then left and got back to the couch, and i ran upstairs as fast as i could.

i fucking hate my live, im running away i guess

i found a bag and i packed some clothes in it, my money, my phone, my charger, my drivers license and the rest of my stuff.

i jumped out the window of my room, i hoped he didn't hear me, but he would probably be happy.

i walked a long while, about a 37 minute walk, i was so happy i was finally free, i guess.

i reached my grandmas old house, she's dead.
i unlocked the door, i got in then re-locked it.
i went in and set my bag in the bed, it was 10:30.
i connected the wifi box that she had in there then put some clothes into a drawers

then i got to the bed, i changed the sheets and then charged my phone and got into bed

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