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Tessa's P.O.V

"You may now kiss the bride." The preacher's voice spoke causing butterflies to erupt and invade my stomach.

"The pleasure is surely mine." Josh's voice whispered as he gazed into my eyes and leaned forward.

His lips gently pressed against mine and cheers erupted all around us. His breath tasted like mint and his cologne overtook my senses, blinding me. His touch was warm and gentle as he traced my cheek with his thumb. As he deepens the kiss and wraps his arms around my tiny waist my body is slightly dipped and I wrapped my arms around his neck, laughing into the kiss.

This moment was perfect.


"I'm so glad I get to call you my wife." Josh speaks up as his hands run through my hair. We were currently laying on the couch scrolling through the lists of movies to watch.

I smiled and looked over at him, leaning in and kissing him softly.

"I love you."

"I love you more." He whispers as his forehead leans against mine.

"Prove it." A smirk dances its way onto my face and his smirks too, his eyes becoming darker and full of lust.

"Oh I will." His hands trace down my arms and land on my waist as he stares at me intensely before kissing me hard.

Harry's P.O.V

I watch from outside their new home as he gently makes love to her, fulfilling her every needs. Needs I should be fulfilling.

My hands ball into a fist and I groan as my head bursts into pain.

When that bitch shot me, she was unlucky. It nicked me, causing maximum damage but allowing for me to live.

My eyes burned with revenge as he sent her to the edge, screams of pleasure erupting from her.

That should be me.

I should've killed Josh when I had the chance to, instead of spearing his live for the likes of her so she wouldn't hate me. Boy was I wrong.

The gun sits nicely tucked in its holder and it sways as I make way toward the house.

I climb the stairs and gently knock on the door after ringing the doorbell. Soft steps quickly follow and the door is yanked open. To see her face, the shocked look mixed with fear was priceless.

"Who is it babe?" But his actions stop as he sees me. His eyes fill with fear and anger as I smirk.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." I say, teeth began to grit together.

She screams and tears burst down her face as I pull out my gun.

Two shots. One gun. That's all that it took.


"Yesterday two shots were heard from a local resident. A newlywed couple were found dead on arrival, both shot through their head. Police have no suspects but are right on the case. I'm here with Sheriff Douglass. Sheriff, how do you plan on catching this murderer?"

"Well Lisa. He is just like any other psychopath. They kill and kill but they make a mistake sooner or later. And when they do, we will be their. We will catch this mad man I promise."

"Thank you Sheriff. That was Sheriff Douglas with out latest report on the murder case. Lisa Newton News Channel Nine."

A sigh erupted from the man behind the counter as he wipes it with a white cloth. The TVs poor lighting aided to the bars crappy satire. New Channel Nine has been running that story for weeks.

"Do you think they'll ever catch that son of a bitch?" His eyes rested on the only man seated at the bar at this time of night.

The man took a swig out of the cup full of whiskey, finishing it off and slamming the cup down along with ten dollars.

"I don't think so." His voice came out raspy as he stood up, putting his coat on and turning towards the door.

"And why not?" The bartender asked, eyebrow raised as he took the cash and put it in the cash register.

He turned towards him, slipping a cigarette in between his plump pink lips and casually lighting it. Smoke blew in puffs from his mouth as he inhaled and puffed out.

"They haven't caught me yet, who says they can now?" A nasty smirk spread across his face as the bartender stared at the man in horror.

The man turned around as he shouted. "Hey! Get back here right now! Somebody stop that killer." His hands fumbled with the telephone, dialing for 911.

But his efforts were useless. Harry was out the door and long gone, gone into the night filled with shadows and monsters, when the cops arrived.

Months passed and soon enough the cops gave up on the search and dismissed the case.

No one ever found the killer of the two couples, Harry made sure of that.

But that night, before the cops arrived at the bar, Harry stopped at a cemetery close to town.

Two graves caught his interest as he wondered around, and on those graves he left a black rose.

Laughing, he smirked and went on his way, cursing the spirits of the couple.

Harry was quite the man. Such a messed up and disturbed man. Too bad for Tessa and Josh, they had became the first of many victims of him. They were where it all began.

Harry Styles; The Couples' Killer. The man who leaves black roses on his victims graves late at night.


Wow. The end ! I'm sorry but I had to end it. It was just losing my interest. I hope the ending was good enough for you!

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