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Tessa's P.O.V.

I knew I needed to go. Yes I began to trust Harry but something was going on and I couldn't stay to find out.

Weeks have flown by and I've perfected my escape route. I've stolen a gun from their weaponry and have hidden it.

Nobody expects a thing.

"Goodnight Tessa." Harry smiles, and I force a smile back.

He turns off the light and closes the door, his footsteps becoming fainter and fainter as time flew by.

Then, I waited.

I made sure that everyone was asleep before I started with my plan. I took out the gun from the hiding place and stuck it in my pants, hidden under my shirt.

My breathing became uneven as I raced to the door and slowly opened it into a sheet of darkness.

My feet caried my effortlessly down the hall, fear erupting me as I heard a door open.

Out came the guys, laughing with smiles decorating their faces. That is until they saw me.

I stopped abruptly, fear overtaking me. I couldn't move. My plan had been disrupted. What do I do now? Shit.

"Couldn't sleep?" Harry's beautiful voice asked but my eyes didn't follow.

All I could think about was the gun. Its weight felt as if tons of rocks were weighing me down and I couldn't breathe. No one suspected I had it but I didn't care.

"Tessa?" He began to move towards me, arm reaching out as the others put on worried faces.

My breathing came out more rapidly as I whipped out the gun, the boys gapsing and screaming.

I panicked and the gun went off. Multiple times.

Bodies dropped, pain covering their faces and blood seeping out. Harry managed to dodge the bullets and wrap his arms around me, making me lose hold of the gun.

I let out a scream and flailed against him, trying to break free. That's when I felt wetness on me, dripping onto my skin. I froze.

He was crying. Crying for the dealth of his friends. But I wasn't about to spare him any remorse. He had killed my boyfriend, Josh, the love of my life.

That's what gave me strength to elbow him in the stomach and race towards the gun.

"You bitch!" His arms flung towards me, grabbing my ankles.

I screamed and began kicking and clawing my way towards the gun. My arm reached out.

Just a few more inches. Got it!

"You won't get away with this!" Harry yelled, squeezing my ankles and pulling me towards him.

I stared at him, lifting the gun up to his face. He, his eyes becoming darker and more intense.

"Do it. You won't. You're mine." He boomed, crushing my ankles and causing whimpers to escape me.

It took all of the courage in me to yell. "I am not yours!"

And with that the gun went off and he felt backwards, a pool of blood forming around his perfect face.

I sat their, catching my breath, before standing up and leaning against the wall.

It was finally over with.

I smiled and tears of joy ran down my face. I began sprinting out of the house and towards the rest of humanity. My ankles ached but I ignored the pain.

Running for what seemed like ages, I could finally see lights ahead of me and people. People yes!

I began screaming. "Help! Help me please!"

Tears streaming down my face, cries escaping my mouth I ran and ran until my legs caved and fell.

I could hear shouts around me, and not once did the gang come to my mind. I was finally free of them. They couldn't hurt me no more.

Footsteps came closer as I curled up into a ball. Sleep overtook me as people spoke.

"Oh my god!"

"Someone call 911"

"Sweetie, are you okay?"


Don't hate me. This is written horrible I know. Sorry.

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