Part 1

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Asgard - one of the most beautiful realm of all and Vanaheim - the land of Vanir gods. Both the realms were one of the biggest rivals that time. King Odin and King Y/f/n were true enemies of each others. You were the only child of the King and queen and The princess of Vanaheim. No one did know about you being a princess except the king and queen and the maidens. You were well known as the Master of Royal Guards. The king didn't want your identity to be revealed. Besides being a warrior you were a sorceress. You knew magic. You were born with it. You had no qualities of being a princess. You always had trouble behaving like a proper lady. Nor did anyone care. You didn't want to marry a king one day and be in his shadow all time. You were an independent woman yourself. And King Y/f/n appreciated that. He wanted to send you  fighting battles instead of staying at the palace waiting for your prince. You were a rather strong warrior princess. You got enough love from your parents. And somehow you didn't believe in the 'lover' things. Yet you loved reading books about two different characters falling in love. But never ever thought that you could find someone someday. There were many friends of yours who were boys but you never felt that feeling towards any of them. Maybe........ You were waiting for a gentleman.......

So guys this was part 1. I hope you liked it. This was all description about the one of the main characters of this story Y/n Y/l/n. And the last line is adapted from the Taylor Swift song "Slut!!".

If you didn't like it I truly apologize and if you did then wait for Part 2!!!

A Warrior and a Prince [Loki x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now