Part 14

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              He sat beside you. A chiling feeling left your spines. "The day was amazing, wasn't it?" You asked. "Yeah It was." He replied. "So you like reading books? Strange for a warrior." He said. "And who told you that warriors do not read books?" You asked. "Uhm..I haven't seen warriors even talking about anything except wars and fights but seem to be different." He said. "In a good way?" You asked. "Yeah Ofcourse."
You were confused. He praised you. "I hated you when I first met you." He said. "And now?" You asked curiously. "Now.....I hate you more." He laughed. You were also laughing. He seemed to enjoy your company. A satisfying smile on his face because today he made you smile not Thor.
              Today you saw the real Loki apart from the arrogant one. He can make you laugh. He was different. Just like you. The hate in your mind towards him was slowly fading. Loki also saw the real Y/n apart from the stubborn one. Someone who can laugh on his silly comments and little mischieves. Someone whose smile was enough to make him smile too. "You love someone?" His sudden question shocked you. "What?!" You asked. "No..I..I mean have you found someone like a lover?" He asked. "No actually I don't believe in these lover things." You replied. "But you read Love stories,don't you?" He asked. "Uhm..yeah I do but I don't think I could find someone. I mean I just can't." You replied. "What about you? Have you found someone?" You asked. "No not yet and I don't think any woman would want to love me." He said. "Seriously? Every women in Asgard would die to marry you and Thor." You replied. "Mostly for Thor. And that is not love, it's lust. It is because I am from a royal family. That is not the love I want." He said. "So you are waiting for someone who loves you for what you are?" You asked."Yes and that might be a  difficult task." He said. "You will..find someone." you said. "I hope so." He replied. Your eyes met his- they were not filled with anger or any disgusting comment for you but curiosity. Curiosity to know you more. His emarald green eyes were pleasant now. Just like dark green forests: beautiful, intense and mysterious. He stared in your eyes too. Your eyes seemed so comforting to him. The hate he had for you was not anywhere around now. It was replaced by a feeling: an unknown feeling. He wanted to stare in those eyes of yours, to know you more, to understand you. Now he was feeling that he found someone-someone like him, whose presence made him feel an unknown feeling which was unnamed for him.

A Warrior and a Prince [Loki x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now