Infatuation: ch 2

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Tyla, Simone and Keisha was at a table waiting for Nate when Damon walks over and sits across from tyla. "Hmm, where is Nate hiding, and why is she so slow to respond to my texts?" Keisha questions looking at the best friends. "Don't ask me." Tyla responds as she shrugs. Simone then turns to Damon with a concerned face. "So how did it go?" She asks making tyla look over at him.

"Coach wants me to welcome Lando into my spot with open arms, so there's that." Damon says giving a tight lipped smile. "That sucks. I'm sorry." Keisha says making tyla roll her eyes. "What is up with these funky new transfer students? Like, this one guy in my American History class, he really tried to play me in front of the whole class. Healthy debate my ass" Tyla grumbles as a certain someone comes walking into the cafeteria. "Oh stop being butthurt" Simone says making Tyla turn to her quickly.

"Am not" Tyla replies when suddenly Simone looks up to see lando and nudges tyla to look. "Lo and behold." Tyla mumbles as she grabs her drink.

"Mind if I join you?" lando asks as he approaches them causing tyla to look away, drinking her soda and Damon to sigh in annoyance. "Look, um, Lando, I might have to accept you on the team, but don't get it twisted. We not about to be boys." Damon says causing Tyla to look at Damon. "Hold on Wait. This is Lando?" Tyla asks mumbling. "Yeah. Actually, I was talking to her. I thought we could finish our debate from class." Lando says looking at Tyla who stares back. "You know, handsome young brothers are always welcome, so..." keisha says tapping the table.

"Actually, n-no. The seat is taken. Sorry." Tyla says putting Simone's bag in the chair. Simone and Keisha look at her while Damon picks up his cup and sips it. "Right. Y'all enjoy your day." Lando says before walking away. "We will."
Damon says loud enough for him to hear. "Mm-mm, no. You all rude as hell." Keisha says causing tyla to turn to her. "Aye he started it" tyla says shrugging. "This cutthroat, athletic energy is harshing my artistic vibe, so I'm gonna go meet my daddy and then go to class." Keisha says as she gathers her things and gets up.

"Am I getting that bad?" Tyla wonders to herself.

Later that day Simone, Tyla, Jerika and a couple others was going over the analysis Simone came up with. "This analysis of Willis-Cobb is bomb, Simone." Jerika says causing Simone to smile. "Thank you." Simone thanks before continuing" OK, so Linda Miller." Simone stops when a certain group comes walking in causing the girls to flip their papers over. "OK. Whatever. Good luck tomorrow." Tootie says tauntingly causing Tyla to roll her eyes.

"Nobody needs your luck." Tyla says as Lando who was walking over hears them. "Damn. You're really that chick." Lando says looking up from his phone causing Tyla to look at him. "And what is that supposed to mean?" Tyla questions arching her brow. "You got the whole mean girl thing on lock, huh?" Lando questions making Tyla roll her eyes. Boy, you don't know me." Tyla says crossing her arms. "Yeah. I'm starting to think that's a good thing." Lando says before he walks off causing Tyla to sigh.

"Don't worry if he knew how tootie was he wouldn't have said that" Simone says trying to cheer her up.

After their game together Simone and Tyla was getting snacks when they stumble upon tootie and her group. "Two and six, you're supposed to be cheering Jade on, not over here snacking."
Tootie says causing the girls to look at her.

"First off, get my name right." Tyla says as Simone looks at tootie. "And besides, Jade didn't show us an ounce of support during our game, so just keeping that same energy." Simone says taking a sip of her drink.

"Heh It doesn't surprise me...Under that "Let's be friends" front, just a selfish b¡tch, like everybody else." Tootie says sizing Simone up. "Who are you calling a bitch?" Simone says as she gets closer to tootie. Suddenly the couch comes in between and breaks them up. "Ah, ladies, need I remind you who your actual opponents are here? Please remember who and where you are and conduct yourselves accordingly." The couch says looking at both girls.

"Of course coach" simone says as she looks at tootie who then turns her back and walks away. "Come on girl she ain't worth it" tyla says taking her best friends hand.


Simone knocks on the door causing the coach to open the door. "Please come in" the coach says as she moves out the way and lets her in. As she walks in she sees Tyla already sitting in a chair. "Uh, I want to explain what happened earlier." Simone says trying to explain but gets shot down by the coach. "Not now, Hicks. There's only so much disappointment I can handle." The coach says sighing.

"Well, I apologized for the argument, but--" Simone says but gets cut off by the coach. "It's not just that. Those Willis-Cobb ladies came in here with chips on their shoulders, and rather than band together, you let them school us." The coach replies.

"Coach, I did my part. You told me to step up my game, and that's exactly what I did." Simone says. "Congrats. You won. But it doesn't matter if you win individually if we lose as a team. We needed unity today." The coach says leaving Simone speechless but not Tyla.

"Look Coach everytime me or Simone tried to bring unity it gets shoved back in our faces. They aren't acting like a team so why should I? It's just a bunch of people pursuing the same sport." Tyla says as she gets up from her chair.

"Just because you see them do it doesn't mean you should" the coach says making Tyla look down. "I'm always the bad guy" Tyla mumbles as she shakes her head.


"Hey where's Simone?" Tyla asks as Damon walks to her. "She'll be here she had to go do something." Damon says as they turn to see tootie crying on her phone. "Damn. What'd you do to make her cry? Did you pull her hair, body-check her with a tennis ball? Heh!" Damon jokes making Tyla push him. "Damon, shut the hell up. It's not funny." Tyla says as she continues to watch tootie cry over the phone. "Have I really gotten that bad?" Tyla mumbles to herself loud enough for Damon to hear.

"Well you have been just a bit bitchy" Damon says making Tyla shake her head and sigh. "I just hate bullies and they have been bullying me and Simone since day one" Tyla says as they walk together slowly. "You know you can't protect Simone all the time right?" Damon asks causing Tyla to stop walking. "I know I can't. But—" Tyla says but gets cut off by Damon.

"I hate saying this, but Lando's right. You're not the mean girl. There's a point in between doormat and a complete bitch, where you still get to be yourself. Plus simone is a big girl she can protect herself." Damon says. Simone looks down because she knew he was right. Simone is a girl who can protect herself.

"I know she can. But she's been my best friend since childhood and I would just hate to see anything happen to her". Tyla says as Damon puts his hand on her shoulder. "You guys will be alright. I'm sure if Simone can't handle it she'll ask you for help. Until then don't get so eager to protect her" Damon says as he gives her a kiss on the forehead making her smile.

"well now I got to go. Game time. You coming to the game, right?" Damon questions making Tyla nod. She knew what she had to do to start to get this badass title off her reputation. "Of course I just got to take care of something first." Tyla says giving him a hug. "All right. You better be there." Damon says giving her a hug before walking away.

"I will."


After the talk with Damon it made her think. As Tyla sits on her bed she stares at her phone that has a number on the screen. She takes one deep breathe before pushing the call button.

"Hey it's Tyla...."

So how was it??




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