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Bip bip bip bip

The rhythmic beeping resonated in the ears of the 32-year-old Jung Jaehoon, emanating from beyond the door. It was the familiar sound of Junghwan entering their secret passcode. Junghwan, stepped into their flat, methodically removing his shoes and placing them in their designated spot.

"I'm home," Junghwan announced, noting the light of the central room that shared the space with the kitchen, a clear indication that his brother still remained awake.

"Welcome home," replied the older Jung, his gaze fixed upon the papers before him. Engrossed in profound reading, he acknowledged his brother's return without diverting his attention from his work.

"Here.." Junghwan abruptly placed the snack he bought before onto Jaehoon's lap. Confusion clouded Jaehoon's expression at this unexpected gesture. A snack? What prompted this unusual offering?

"What's this?" Jaehoon inquired, raising his gaze to meet his brother's standing figure. Seated at their versatile dining table, a space utilized for various activities – from meals to ironing – Jaehoon often found solace there, especially during moments when Junghwan was yet to return home.

Junghwan, grappling with the lingering sweetness of ice cream he had before, headed straight to the refrigerator for a refreshing gulp of cold water. His thoughts lingered on a particular detail.

"Her favorite snack, she's a drinker, did you know that?" he revealed, returning the water bottle to its chilled haven. Junghwan proceeded to unearth two packs of ramyeon from the cupboard.

Perplexed, Jaehoon questioned, "How do you know? Please tell me you're not bothering her."

"I'm not bothering her; I'm making a move, for YOU, because you're too chickened," Junghwan clarified, setting water to boil for his ramyeon. His gaze fixed on his brother during the pronouncement, emphasizing the pointed 'you'

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jaehoon feigned ignorance, releasing a fake cough and deliberately avoiding eye contact, engrossed in the paper before him. Junghwan, undeterred, chuckled at his brother's response.

"Hyung, even without my glasses, I can see clearly that you like her. Do you really think I won't notice?" Junghwan leaned against the kitchen counter, facing his brother as he waited for the water to boil.

"No, it's not like that," Jaehoon insisted, maintaining his focus on the paper, avoiding the conversation's unraveling truth.

Junghwan dragged a chair closer, scrutinizing his brother. "Then, can I like her?" he posed the question as a joke, yet his tone still sounded serious.

"Hmm... Do what you like," Jaehoon responded, still engrossed in the paper, deliberately avoiding eye contact with Junghwan, who grinned mischievously in response.


Jaehoon's attention was drawn to the sound of dripping, and he glanced up.

"Okay, the-" Junghwan's words were abruptly cut off as his brother erupted in a sudden shout, his face contorted in a frown.

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