Chapter 26

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- Oh girl, calm down! – says Bea, laughing at my nervousness.

- If it were you, you would be like that too.

Today is D-day.

The day when I will finally know where I will study and live for the next six months of my life. So, as you can already imagine, I am extremely nervous. The "legs always shaking and anxiety attacks" nervous type.

Okay. I may be exaggerating a bit. It doesn't get to the attacks part. But it's true that I can't stay still (and keep quiet, by the way).

The difference between me and Anna is so funny. She appears to be completely calm, which is all a farce. When someone says something, she always responds aggressively. So, you have one who seems to be hyperactive (je) and another who is easily irritated by others (Anna), so you must be imagining the situation at hand.

- When will the results come out? – asks Iris, who decided to come to the bakery to give us moral support together with Sofia and Bea, who doesn't work today.

- Supposedly, they start sending emails at half past ten - I respond.


- God! I won't say anything else! I'm here with you when I have a game in an hour! You should be grateful! A person being nice, and this is how you reciprocate? And yes! I can't hear 25% of my left ear, FYI!

- There you go, Iris. Let's take it easy. You know Anna is nervous right now – Bea tries to calm things down. Especially after noticing how the other customers and the waitress at the counter are judging us – We like you being here.

- Do we, though?

- Sofia, if you we're silence, you would be a poet – I say. You need to have a lot of patience to put up with these people.

- ONE MINUTE LEFT! – and I get hit in the leg. Remember me to avoid sitting next to Anna when she's stressed.

- Anna, turn down the volume, please. And that "one minute" means nothing. You can receive the email now or in the middle of the night – Sofia tries to reason.

- This is driving me crazy. I need to distract myself. Talk about something. Not related to school - I ask.

- Today, the game is in a nearby city. The last time I went there to play, I was attacked by a player. She was at wrong and even came to make noise! If you're upset about being called a foul, then just don't foul! And there were ten-year-old kids there complaining and calling me names! I sent them to a certain place which caused the opposite team's coach to come at me. I also sent him to a certain place! And I was expelled. Basketball games are very entertaining.

- That's not what I was talking about, Iris. But thanks anyway. Does anyone have anything interesting that isn't revolve around being threaten by kids and old people? Gossip? Anything? Anna? Bea? – they both shrug their shoulders.

- Why do we have to think about something ourselves? You say something! – Anna complains.

I think a lot about a topic for a conversation. Yet all I can think about is what happened yesterday afternoon. And since I haven't told them anything yet – I kissed Seungmin .... Yesterday.... And now we're dating.

The four of them open their mouths and stay still like that for a minute. Done! Bomb dropped!

- What?!?! And you only decide to tell this now? – I don't think I've ever seen Anna so shocked.

- Wow, Theresa! I never thought you were like that – I don't know if I should feel insulted at Iris for insinuating that I could never do that or proud of having surprised her.

- You already know! If he does something wrong, tell me and I'll fix the problem. I should probably threaten him personally. That way, he surely won't even dare to think about such a thing. At least, if he has some love for is life.

- I feel sorry for whoever stays with you, Sofia – says Bea, who then turns to me and hugs me – I'm so happy for you! Finally, you are together! It took a while, but it is what it is! I can't belie....

- Oh!

We all stopped and looked at Anna, who was now sitting in front of her computer.

- I RECEIVED AN EMAIL FROM THE SCHOOL! WHAT DO I DO? OH MY GOD! I AM VERY NERVOUS! OK! I GONNA OPEN IT! – we join her as we see the mouse landing on top of the unopened message – Here it goes.... I GOT IN! I'M GOING TO GERMANY!

We all start jumping around in the middle of the bakery and making noise, which makes us once again the target of judgmental looks from other costumers.

- And you, Theresa? Check if they've already sent it to you! If I can get in, you definitely will too – Anna pushes me to my computer.

There is nothing recent on the page to open, so I refresh it. AND...



- I haven't received anything yet.

And I continued to try to do the same thing for the next two hours. Eventually Iris had to leave, after drinking her fourth coffee of the day. At eleven in the morning! For motivation, she justified.

The clock indicated it was half past twelve, when we decided to give up waiting for a while and go have lunch somewhere. But before we can get up, the doorbell rings and a group of noisy boys enter.

At the front, Han and Changbin enter, singing Rihanna's "Umbrella" as if their lives depended on it. In the back, Chan and Hyunjin are in the middle of tickling Jeongin. They both appear to have wet hair from, what I assume, training. And finally, Minho and Felix come in laughing about something on the youngest's cell phone and Seungmin.

My Seungmin.

My boyfriend, Seungmin. OMG!!!

- Hey! How are you doing? – Chan greets us. He drags a chair over to sit next to us. Then he turns to Han and Changbin – Dude, we're in a public place. Behave, please.

When called to attention, the two boys ended up silent, but before that they made a dramatic ending, holding the last note for what seemed like hours.

- We're still alive, so we're ok – Sofia responds. I can still hear an "unfortunately" coming from Minho, although he said it very quietly.

Seungmin stands behind my chair and gives me a kiss on the cheek – I thought we would never see each other again.

- Ew! Not in front of me – and Jeongin covers his eyes with his hand.

How embarrassing! I don't understand how there are all those couples all over each other in public.

To try to take the attention off us. I get up and go to the bathroom.

I splash water on my face, see myself calming down, and return to the group.

Seungmin is sitting in my chair and when he sees me, he smiles. Until a noise indicating that I received a notification comes from my computer.

He looks and the smile immediately falls from his face.

- Exchange program?

Next chapter...

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