Chapter 5

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Another end of the day, and another day in which I have to wait for Anna to finish her swimming class. As always, I spend my time in the peaceful environment of the bakery.

Peaceful until you hear the doorbell ring and Bea squealing and running to hug whoever just entered. Guess Anna has already arrived. But she didn't come alone.

Behind her I see a boy a couple of years older, with a little smile that shows off his dimples perfectly and with a "just out of the shower" look (ps: he looks really fit, just saying), since is dark brown curly hair is all wet. And he seems to love black, considering that his pants, shirt, sneakers, backpack, everything is black.

And, with his arm resting across the young man's shoulders, is another boy, this one taller, with longer blond hair, also looking like he just got out of the shower. Damn! Unlike his friend, he seems to like a variety of colors in terms of clothing. He's wearing a white Rolling Stones t-shirt under a black leather jacket, blue jeans and white sneakers.

I have to admit, they are really handsome.

The two boys follow Anna, drag some chairs from another table and sit next to me.

- Hi, Theresa – Anna greets me with a hug – I don't know if you've already met them, but this is Chan – and points to the dimple guy – and this is Hyunjin – pointing, now, to the longer hair guy – They are part of the club swimming team and have been helping the swimming teachers with their classes. My technique is way better now that I have their help.

- Got say, I'm little frightened of you. I bet one day you'll be way better than us – comments Chan - Hello, Theresa. Nice to meet you.

- Hey! – greets Hyunjin.

I give them a shy smile and a tiny hello (being social is complicated, don't judge me).

Chan immediately starts asking questions about me, like what I study or if I like any sport (I don't know how he looks at me and thinks I'm athletic – just getting out of bed is difficult, let alone do some kind of sport).

I can already tell, this guy is really friendly and it's a good thing he knows how to make a conversation. I am a thousand times better at developing a subject than thinking about one. When I'm given space to talk, I don't stop, which somewhat contradicts my introverted personality, I guess.

I found out that Chan is studying sport science in his third year. The guy is good at everything, from what I managed to take away from our conversation. He swims professionally, having even won numerous awards and medals in competitions, both national and international. Besides all that, He's also an academic genius, according to Hyunjin.

And speaking of Hyunjin, He is now studying art, in his second year (like us). However, even though his vocation is the arts, he also loves sports and, like Dimples (yes, that's his name now), competes professionally in swimming.

While me, Anna and Chan were talking, Hyunjin decided to go order something to eat.

When he came back, he sat down and putted the things he bought on the table so quickly that I thought he was the flash. Then, he clasps both hands on the table, with his elbows acting as support, and stares at me and Ana. Until, finally, he breaks the silence.

- You are friends with that girl, right? - and nods towards the counter where Bia is cleaning some stuff. We nod, which seems to make his eyes widen - Good. So you can help me. Is she dating anyone? Would it be too weird if I ask her for her Insta? Do I look like I'm her style? What does she like? How is she? You have to tell me everything you know about her!

Ana and I looked at each other completely befuddled. Those were a lot of questions. My brain can't keep up with so much information in such a short amount of time (and yes, I still think I'm smart).

- No. She's not dating. But She is not available either, if you know what I mean – I reply, which makes him look confused (understandable) – It's complicated.

With this, Anna begins her amazing explanation on how Bea is talking to a guy, how she seems to really like him, but how they don't move on to anything more. Honestly, Bea has a really bad taste in guys. I have never seen her with a decent one (sorry, but I gotta be honest, girl). In my opinion, she is wasting time on a lost cause. They've been at this for two years. I repeat, TWO YEARS!

If I were her, I would have left him a long time ago. Girl, you deserve way better. But she trusts and gets attached to people easily, that's her problem.

When the explanation is over, Hyunjin looks a little bit sad, which leads Dimples to pat him on the back – Don't get discouraged, bro. Better luck next time.

It was at that moment that another guy entered the bakery. Brown, short hair, pulled back with a bandana, showing his beautiful brown eyes (I wish I had eyelashes like his), which I could see after he took off the black sunglasses he was wearing. He looks like another athlete, as he's wearing sportswear, a tight t-shirt, shorts and Nike sneakers, all black, which flatter his body very well, I must say. He looks like a model. It appears that's all see these days. Proof of that are the other two in front of me.

Hyunjin gets up and gives one of those guy greetings, where they do a handshake and kind of hug at the same time. Boys are very weird.

When he arrives at the table, he does the same with Chan, who ends up introducing him to me and Anna.

His name is Minho, and he is studying law, now in his third year (like Chan). Apparently, the three had agreed to go play football with other friends (what can't they do?).

At Chan 's request, he decided to stay and chat for a little before they had to leave and meet their other friends. And by request I mean that Dimples promised to pay for whatever Minho wanted to eat.

That's why we find ourselves, at this moment, listening to the guy venting about how a girl took the book he wanted to read, at the library.

- And she had the nerves to say she got it first! Well, I saw it first! - he seems really frustrated with the situation. However, I doubt his "I saw it first" argument will hold up in court, just saying.

- It's just a book, man – comments Hyunjin, which leads him to be the target of some homicidal looks from his friend – Forget I said anything. – And he raises his hands as if he were being caught by the police.

And, to prevent the situation from going down a certain path that could lead to someone (Minho) being arrested for murder, Chan decided to change the subject:

- So, Minho, have you and Seungmin decided which subject you're going to choose? – and then he turns to us and explains – They have to take on extra classes and they decided to do them together this semester, but they haven't chosen a subject yet – and he shakes his head, as if he was disappointed.

- Not yet. We are conflicted between two – responds the guy in question – We still have one more week until the deadline ends, though. Relax – and shrugs his shoulders, as if it weren't a big deal.

- But you have already missed a lot of classes and it could have a negative impact on your grades.

- Don't worry, mom. We'll manage it.

- Hey, guys! What do you think about going to the club this Friday? A new one has now opened, I think it's called Zoom. What do you say? Are you in? – asks a now more excited Hyunjin, as he puts down his cell phone, which he has been attached to for the last few minutes.

-Ya. Why not – confirms Chan, while Minho just nods his head.

With that, Hyunjin turns to me and Ana – And what about you? You can bring some friends if you want. – I have the impression that it's a hint to invite a certain person, but ok.

- Count us is! – says Ana, enthusiastically (thank you for asking and taking my opinion in consideration).

Then she gets up and goes to tell Bia, which leads to some squeals of excitement being heard.

Did I feel like going? No. Will I have to go anyway? Yes. If I don't go, I'm almost certain I'll be dragged away by two girls who really need to learn to lower their voices. I am, therefore, losing my hearing capacity 10x faster than normal. I'm scared one day I'll become like Iris.

Next capter...

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