Chapter 13

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- When you sent the message to the group saying that you were in a life or death situation I was expecting it to be something literal. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

- You know what, Sofia? It wouldn't hurt you to be nice once in a while. You're lucky I love you.

- We have different perspectives on what luck means.

- Ok. Changing the subject – Bia tries to interrupt the exchange of words full of love that was taking place between Sofi and I – When are you going to explain why you sent us those messages? I have to agree with Sofia, I also thought something bad had happened to you. I was expecting something like you needing to go to the hospital or whatever. But you seem normal. I mean... as far as possible.

I decide to just squint my eyes at them, trying to ignore the mini, indirect (very direct) insults they throw at me. They're lucky I like them so much.

- Do you remember the conversation we had today?

- Which one? The one about plain white rice or with ketchup? – tries to guess Ana.

- It's better with ketchup – comments Iris.

- What a crime! No. Plain white rice is the only possible option – says Sofia.

As I already know that this is going to lead to a stupid discussion, I decided to get straight to the point of why I sent those messages - I was talking about the conversation we had this morning. Do you remember? The one where you forced a person to get up at an inhumanely early hour?

- It was nine in the morning, Theresa. Let's not exaggerate.

- Are you talking about us thinking that you and Seungmin ...

- Exactly, Anna.

- What about it? Why do you want to talk about that again?

- I may or may not, during the tutor session I had with him not long ago, have reached the conclusion, or I think I have reached the conclusion, that I may, or may not...

- Oh girl, just spill it.

- I think I like Seungmin.

And with that I close my eyes, bite my lip and stay like that for a few seconds waiting for their reactions, still hoping that this is all just a dream and that I didn't just tell them this and I don't actually fell this certain type of way for that guy.

I like Seungmin! Shocking, I know. Even I can't believe it. How did I get to this point in my life?

I mean, I know how I got here. Have you seen him yet? Perfection in person. How come you not have a crush on him? It's simply impossible.

But now that I've come to this conclusion, what do I do?

And no way I'm telling him how I feel. That would be suicide. What if he doesn't feel the same? I would never be able to leave the house again with the shame. What if he gives me that look of pity after I tell him? I would never see anyone again in my life. No way. So admitting my feelings is out of the question. Crossed out, off the list.

However, could I live forever like this, without telling him the truth? It would probably kill me inside over time. Being with him would be so strange. I was going to make everything awkward.

But between saying what I feel and hiding it, the latter is 100% the best option. It could be that after uni, we go our separate ways and end up growing apart, and I will end up forgetting him and these stupid feelings.

Exactly. I just have to suffer for a little while.

I finally open my eyes, ready for their reactions.

What I wasn't expecting was for everyone to be looking at me with a face that said "we told you so".

- Seriously? Who would have thought – if I didn't know Sofia so well I would say she was being sarcastic.

- And how did you realize that? Was it when you turned all red when he wouldn't stop touching you or looking at you? Or when he bought you a croissant from the bakery for the thousandth time, and we now all about it since you haven't stopped talking about him all day, every day? – Bia comes now.

- Honestly, Teresa, it was very obvious that you liked him. Then? When are you going to tell him? – continues Iris.

- Hmmmm.... Never?

- WHAT????

Having four people shouting in your ear at the same time is not pleasant, I'll tell you that. I don't even know why everyone is so excited about this information. It's like they don't know me.

- I'm not thinking of admitting anything! I don't even know if he likes me – I try to put some reason into their empty heads (and here I thought that they were kinda of intelligent people – I'm disappointed).

- Are you dumb or are you stupid? – a little arsh, Ana. – The boy is in love with you!

-No he is not!

- He is. End of discussion. Do you think someone is capable of spending so much time in tutoring session just because they wanna learn? Obviously, those tutoring sessions are excuses to see you. And when he suggests you go to the bakery at the end? I'll tell you now that he rarely arranges to meet others there. Hyunjin and Chan are very busy with the competition they're going to have soon and whenever I meet Hyunjin and ask him if he's going to show up, he says he wasn't thinking of doing it. However, they always appear there. Clearly Seungmin calls them to have a reason to spend more time with you. So, what you're going to do is walk up to him next week and tell him the truth, understood? – Bia finishes her speech.

- It's not that easy, girl. I've never done this before!

- There is a first time for everything.

- Believe me, girl, we are doing you a favor by telling you to do it.

- And if he rejects you, it just gives you a good opportunity to slap him in the face. Listen to what I'm saying.

- Don't listen to whatever Sofia's says!

- But seriously, you have to tell him. It's very obvious that he likes you too. You're the only one who doesn't notice it.

What a nice way to call me dumb. But anyway.

Should I? No. No way. Just imagining it is giving me chills. I would only make a clown of myself. It's a thousand times safer to remain his friend. They must have advanced mental problems. Seungmin? Liking me? Never.

So next week when Isee him in class and in our tutoring session, I will try to be as normal aspossible. And if they say I'm very obvious with my feelings, it means I have tolearn to hide them better.

Next chapter...

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