Chapter 3

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I managed to write two more sentences. TWO SENTENCES. This is not good. Two sentences in twenty minutes is horrible. And try to guess the cause of my distraction (clue: the handsome jerk sitting on the other side of the cafe).

If he picks up the cup, I notice. If he fixes the chair, I notice. If he picks up his cell phone, I notice. It seems that every type of noise or movement that comes from his side awakens my senses. I hate it. I just wish I could continue writing in peace. It was going so well.

He's just a stupid boy (who looks like he came out of a magazine, it's important to point out)! He shouldn't hold my attention so much! Can somebody, please, take me out of this suffering! I don't deserve this!

So, you can imagine my relief when I see some movement happening at the table in front of me, the sound of a chair being dragged and the doorbell ringing.

Now that the distraction is gone, it's my chance to get to work again.

This would have happened if I hadn't noticed a cell phone and a wallet on a table that had just been vacated.

The idiot forgot his things!

There is probably someone else in the bakery that also spotted tem (because, obviously, other people are weird and watch someone they've never seen in their lives for more than half an hour too) and will hand them over to him. Don't need to worry.

So, I decide to observe the other customers. There are three other tables occupied besides mine: one by a trio of elderly women (probably telling each other new gossip), another occupied by a lady working (I assume) on her computer and the last one by a couple of teenagers (thanks for reminding me that I'm single!).

All these people are completely different. But do you want to know what they have in common?

Nobody noticed the same thing as me. None of them got up and went after the boy.

Could it be that if I tell Bea, will she take them to the boy?

- Bea, love of my life, flower of my heart...

- What do you want, Theresa?

- That boy left this on the table.

- OK? AND? What do you want me to do? Go and give them to him.

- What? No way I'm doing that!

- Why? This is your chance to go talk to him. Maybe he will fall in love with you. Love at first sight.

- And I want him to fall in love with me because...?

- I hope you know I saw those glances you were giving him. And if you don't want him, I want him. He's beautiful! Did you see him? He looked like a freaking model!

So, I guess this plan was not a success. Should've thought better on it.

It's going to have to be me, isn't it?

Why, world? Why would you do this to me?

Okay. Don't stress. You just have to stand up, pick up his things, go out into the street and try to get the boy's attention. It's not that complicated. What bad could happen?

Let's try not to think about the stupid figures I will certainly make when I get to him. I'm already imagining it: he turns around and I'm going to go blank, nothing is going to come out of my mouth and he's going to think I'm some weirdo with mental problems who should seriously go to a mental hospital, which, honestly, is not entirely false.

I can't do this! I'm too shy for this! Talking to a stranger (a very handsome one, if I do say so myself) to give him something he forgot is easy for normal people. The thing is, I'm not normal! I am the most introverted person on the face of the earth! I can't do this!

But if it isn't for me, who will?

Come on, girl! You got this!

And with that, I get up from my chair, quickly grab the forgotten belongings and sprint out the door.

I couldn't even run that fast in physics, I'll tell you that. The boy must be training for the marathon. It's not normal for someone to walk that fast in such a short period of time or I'm really out of shape (and I'd rather be like that and happy, than in shape and in pain).

When I finally reach his side, I tap him on the shoulder, which makes him turn his body 180 degrees, facing me.

Before he could even try to understand what was going on, I placed the things against his chest.

- I think you left this at the bakery – I say it, I don't know how, without my voice showing how nervous I am – I'm sorry I had to bother you.

It still takes him a few seconds until he finally assimilates the situation.

- You aren't. Don't worry – he shakes his head, while picking up his things (I did not feel goosebumps when his fingers touched mine, who told you that?). Then he gives me a little smile, which makes me shiver even more (stop it) – Thank you for bringing them to me. I probably made you waste precious time. Sorry - and gives me another smile (Aaaaahhhh).

He could make a career as a model. He's even more handsome up close (as if that is even possible) and much taller than I thought. Damn! What did they give him when he was a child? Fertilizer?

- I didn't waste anything – I'm now trying to put on a cute and friendly smile (as you might suspect, it must be exactly the opposite, but that's the best I can do).

- I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I have to go. But thank you very much. Seriously. So... I see you around?

See you around? Does he hope to see me again? Stop being deluded, Teresa. He's just being nice.

- Yeah – Seriously? Yeah? All these years of speaking and studying English and the first thing you decide to say in response is "Yeah"? – See you around, I guess.

And with that, we turned our backs on each other and went our separate ways.

Now I feel like, and I'm not joking, doing a few little jumps of happiness. I DID IT! I spoke to a stranger without looking like a fool. I will write this event down on my calendar. This day went down in history. Let's save the awkwardness of the situation for when I'm in bed ready to sleep.

When I arrive at the bakery, I pack my things in my backpack and say goodbye to Bea. Anna's class is almost over and with this spike of adrenaline I'm feeling I doubt I'll be able to write anything more. I'm going to meet her at the sports center. I might even do a bit of swimming (sike).

Next chapter...

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