Chapter 3.08

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It had been a few days since Maya and Carina had taken their daughters home. Their routine was gradually falling into place. 

Maya's few flashbacks to Charlie were playing over and over in her head. She didn't know how much of it was a figment of her imagination and how much of it was plausible.

Jordan still slept in their room, in their bed, Vittoria and Giulietta too, they slept in the cradle Jordan had when she was a baby. The two of them slept together. They knew that one day they would have to make them sleep separately, but Vittoria seemed to need her sister. 

On the morning of the eighth, Maya got up to go to the bathroom. Carina had watched her go into their bathroom. She had shifted from Jordan's sleeping body in the middle of the bed. She checked that all three girls were asleep.
She had joined her wife in the bathroom.

-"Hi there," Maya yawned.

-"ciao" replied her wife, coming closer.

Carina approached her wife. She took hold of the blonde's tank top. She withdrew it, paying attention to her arm. 

-"What are you doing?"

The Italian had run her hands over her wife's cheeks and had come to kiss her.
She'd intensified the kiss and after a few seconds, the blonde had put her hands on her wife's hips to pull her back. 

"Love... Love... love... We can't... I can't... I don't feel..."

-"Baby... Our girls are sleeping... I just want to kiss you... Naked in the shower... Until one of them wakes up..." 

-"That's not really up our alley... To just... Kissing..."

-"baby, three and a half weeks ago, I had the fright of my life... I assure you I can spend hours kissing you without succumbing to my desire to make love to you." 

Carina had reached down and pulled off her wife's boxers before removing her own.

"And you?" Asked the Italian as she stepped back to the shower and stroked her wife's belly with her fingertips. 

- "no... But I'm willing to try." 

The blonde had approached. She had followed her wife into the shower, which had turned on the water. 

- "I really hope they don't wake up right away..."

Maya had slid her hands over her wife's hips and moved closer to her. Carina had run her index finger over the already bright scar from the defibrillator paddle.

- "you're married to Frankenstein..."

- "your scars are beautiful. Much more so than mine. The plastic surgeon did a great job... And then... Thanks to those scars... you're here... I love every one of them." 

Carina had put her hair to one side of her face and bent down to come and kiss the defibrillator scar that was in the middle of her chest. She bent down a little more and kissed the one from her pneumothorax. Glued together with the one from the second platelet. She bent down again and kissed the one from the first stab wound. Then she'd finished with the one from her delivery... All the way down. The brunette's hand had come to rest on her right hip.

Maya had exhaled heavily and put the fingers of her right hand under her wife's chin. She had «lifted» her. Carina was back on her feet. Her other hand had come to the captain's left hip and she had approached, a dark, intense gaze and she had come to kiss her wife. Her hands had slid down the blonde's back.

The captain's hands had come to her wife's body in return. Her right hand had come to the nape of Carina's neck and the other had come to the small of her wife's back. 

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